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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. The ladies accentuated bustle does seem to be attracting some attention from the yacht skipper! Re that sailing boat, also similar to one of Darby's Lucky yachts but once again the date doesn't, I don't think, tally. Perhaps the lady's self inflating lifejacket has just inflated? Buffs on the foredeck? That tacking yacht, they tacked there the previous year so are doing so this time too! Joke posthumous courtesy of Michael Green RIP, author The Art of Coarse Sailing.
  2. A good dinghy sailing friend of mine had a series of girlfriends rated from Beaufort Wind Force One, size zero, to Wind Force Eight, size twenty! Force Six was a cracker, plump rather than fat, yummy! http://completeguide.rnli.org/beaufort.html
  3. Having waddled down to the water's edge for a spot of fishing this morning I really don't see what the problem is. I feel some sorrow for youngsters that have have had festivals and events cancelled today. In the past we just took the weather as it came, maybe not such a bad system after all.
  4. With fly-bridge style boats the windage on the high freeboard must surely be a factor that has to be considered. Lot to be said for a 'bath tub'.
  5. Best put a reef in the sail! Wise words, John. Don't think they will deter folk though.
  6. Takes a good frost to bring out the best in sprouts.
  7. Did you buy any? Probably left over from last year so last year's prices, absolute bargain, got to get them in before Brexit!
  8. Mile upon mile of 'em. More open banks than Barclays! Between Somerleyton and Oulton Broad, for example, there are several obvious carrs that provide good moorings. Just have a dydle with your boathook first. There was a boat moored on Oulton Broad yesterday at high water, moored on top of a sunken boat! Yards of clear bank and they chose that particular 22ft to moor against!
  9. If true to previous year's form then Lathams will be selling unseasonable unmentionables by the end of the month!
  10. Worry not, his hard working auto bilge pump fails to keep me awake!
  11. If so then here's an idea for Christmas day. Moor at Oulton Broad & head for nearby Lowestoft! https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/christmas-day-swim-2019-charity-applications-open-1-6199505
  12. At one time most boat yards had hosepipes trailing just about anywhere from which folk could top up their water tanks. Not now and one of the reasons for that was dogs being allowed to pee on the hoses, another reason being that some folk left the end of the hose in the river and often in the mud, urghhhhh. The stupidity/thoughtlessness of some folk is beyond belief!
  13. What gripes me is when Mr A Dog-Owner thinks it acceptable to let Fido off its lead when said dog is on a public footpath that runs along the river bank or across a beach for example. These are open spaces, shared with livestock and wildlife, surely people realise this obvious fact. Working dogs is one thing, domestic pets is another. Working dogs are trained to be in the countryside, as generally are their owners, by and large domestic dogs are not and seemingly neither are their owners..
  14. Also the sad result of unthinking, irresponsible people owning dogs who really shouldn't have that privilege.
  15. Knowing something of the tragedy and subsequent depravity & suffering following The Fall Of Singapore I'm not convinced that there can be any meaningful comparison with a mere cricket match. Our local Norfolk Regiment was trapped out there and many Broads families, mine included, have recent forbears that suffered horrifically as unwilling guests of the Japanese empire.
  16. No, but I did have to endure the weeds and goody-goods and other nefarious oiks that one encounters in such establishments!
  17. I attended the same establishment as did Nigel Molesworth!
  18. Yes and no. The positive side of it is that amongst the new intake are several members that have a deep understanding both of the Broads and the CEO. JP's grip is weakening!
  19. I know Olive well, spent much of my formative years aboard, what with the then owner's daughter working for Penthouse and having lots of well formed girly friends! Dear Sally was a legend!
  20. Hi Tom, thanks for posting that informative link. At Oulton Broad an extension to the existing Broadlands Marina was granted consent comprising mooring pontoons for 54 private moorings; provision of 4 new visitor moorings, the removal of 30 private moorings and a section of jetty; the creation of additional reedbed, and reinstatement of a slipway and pump out facilities. I hope that the Authority is backing the requirements of the Broads Act by ensuring that there is no loss to the navigation area and also ensuring that there is minimal light pollution from lighting on the pontoons.
  21. I'd hate to see his boat sinking beneath the waves! https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/st-benet-s-abbey-norfolk-open-air-service-sunday-august-4-1-6192404?fbclid=IwAR3wrD5Aor3eqHJ6EAISzcJPjePtIWjPY9j8uS1pOZ180DYGJqEyzaxQjRA
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