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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Worrying thought. In the previous lockdown my local hospitals restricted themselves to emergency and crucial operations. However, a lot has been learned so perhaps there will be less interruption to routine operations this time around.
  2. Very true. Coincidently The Sun newspaper published gruesome details of the Yacht Station tragedy yesterday which some might regard as such an intrusion. Heaven forbid that such an incident is able to happen again.
  3. Okay, two deaths then, verbatim: In August, a woman in her 30s died after falling from a boat in Great Yarmouth and getting trapped underneath it. On Tuesday (Sept 15th), a holidaymaker from North Yorkshire in his 20s was pulled from the River Bure and airlifted to hospital, where he died.
  4. To my way of thinking the Broads is basically timeless. It is the core visitor that is changing, their expectations and demands creating fresh challenges.
  5. Agreed. We also need a change of priorities at the top. The Broads, first and foremost, is about water and people.
  6. https://www.itv.com/news/anglia/2020-09-18/broads-authority-issues-safety-plea-after-staycation-summer-is-marred-by-tragedy Mention is made of two drowning, but there have also been drownings at Loddon & Norwich.
  7. Bring a couple of the smaller cruise liners into Grot Yarmouth's outer harbour, instant social housing or Covid hospital ship.
  8. Probably the safest course of action for a prudent male!
  9. Phew, relief, an uninterrupted night's sleep!
  10. Picked up off a relevant facebook group this morning: Boat Propellers are Dangerous. This year has not been a good one with regards to serious prop related incidents but at least some responsibility must be taken by those that hire vessels to others in ensuring at least a basic level of competency. The emergency services that turn up these incidents find them highly traumatic also - especially given that they are almost wholly avoidable
  11. Will BA be having a hull extension to house the growing Griffin tribe?
  12. Difficult one as this means a degree of preempting official reports. Witness accounts have reared their heads along the rhond so a head-start could be made, perhaps it has.
  13. It's all here: https://www.lowestoftjournal.co.uk/news/how-much-oil-is-buried-under-norfolk-s-beaches-35-years-after-eleni-v-disaster-1-3392468
  14. Should we be worried? I rather suspect that the yards would be best left to get on with the job.
  15. I share Cheesey's concerns regarding the apparent increase in dangerous behavior on the water. For whatever reason the Broads appears to be attracting a new breed of visitor. That many are small craft users is a welcome return in my opinion, however, I do question the suitability of forty plus footers for novice boaters, especially in our more energetic tidal waters. MAIB reports are crucial both to the industry and to the Broads however they can be a longtime coming and in the meantime avoidable accidents might be repeated. Some of you will remember the tragic capsize of hire day boat Breakaway 5. The upsurge of that incident was a MAIB report that has had a huge impact on Broads boating. Preempting MAIB reports can be no bad things if just one life is saved.
  16. It appears to me on my laptop that the latest posts page is not updating.
  17. Recent incident further update: https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/man-dies-following-incident-on-norfolk-broads-1-6840481 What more can the BA do?
  18. Recent incident update: https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/police-cordon-off-quayside-after-man-injured-1-6839793 Re this incident and the fact that the air-ambulance was involved. I haven't measured the distance from the incident site to the hospital but I doubt that it's much over a mile, if that. In a blue-light situation I suspect that it is a pretty quick journey. That it was an airlift suggests to me that it was a really nasty injury.
  19. Recent incident update: https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/police-cordon-off-quayside-after-man-injured-1-6839793
  20. Very sincerely I would like to thank the Tech Team for their recent hard work. As one who lurches and struggles through the supposedly simple task of changing my passwords I can only admire the grand work that you guys do. PS, everything appears to be back on track, apart from 'likes'.
  21. I suspect that many of your fellow ancients can relate to your experiences, oh dear, what an unfortunate summer you have had! I sincerely hope that your well deserved retirement plans are not unduly impacted.
  22. That forensics was involved makes me wonder if this was actually a 'holiday' related incident. That aside I share every one else's concerns. I also wonder why during this year we have had an apparent and unfortunate increase in accidents and tragedies.
  23. When I did regularly take my Drascombe to sea I had a radar reflector permanently mounted at the masthead. A bright spark on a Bling Boat, moored at Worlingham, called out and mockingly asked why it was there? My no less mocking response was simple, so he would be able to see me on his radar, if he knew how to use it! The aerials and domes displayed on some Broads based GP's exceeds any one of Her Majesty's destroyers!!
  24. If a friend of mine gets it wrong then I would derive immense pleasure in recording it for prosperity. I know damn well that if were to get it wrong . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  25. A BIG thanks to all concerned. Mind you, you did take your time!!
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