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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. When I make crumble,I pre cook my apples.With pies you can do with precooked apples or Raw.With raw, slice fairly thinly sugar ,spice such as Mixed spice or powered Coriander.I would suggest you start the oven off hot at first to set the pastry, then reduce the hot making sure the apples are nice and soft.Serve with good old custard and or ice cream.
  2. Okay Jean, the apples are different varieties. Both very good.Any sugar is okay. You can add little maple syrup, makes it nice and rich.Try Dutch apple sultanas and a little powdered coriander. Something a little different. Apple and pear crumble.Mixture of cooking ,eating apples and pears.Try a little oats in your crumble mix or granola. Sorry if I've confused you. Just ask happy to help.I did set up a post sometime ago .Tips on cooking. Ask away. Let me know how you get on Ian
  3. Being a Chef,our oven needed alot of work on it.As I said I got a heavy duty cleaner. Lot of work but it did the trick.Most pro kitchens now are fairly high tec and have cleaning programmes. Using tablets and they clean themselves and once done turn themselves off.zDo it every day. One of the best things going.
  4. Part two today oven cleaning. Pleased with the out come.Had a go last week but oven cleaner we had wasn't strong enough. I got a trade one from catering supplier. Still took a few hours,but pleased with the results. A few pics. Top door,you couldn't see out of it now you can.Bottom photo the oven.
  5. Indeed times were different. I've done a few tours of the bridge.Ron Harris has some great tales.One he recounted was at a football dinner and Norman Hunter was giving a speech. He called Ron to come up to the stage."Ron what do you want Norman".You can have this back Ron.You gave it to me years ago.It was one of Ron's studs.Think now days there would be more on the bench then the pitch.
  6. News just in on BBC news. Sadly Norman Hunter passed away.From it appears this dreadful disease. Saw him a few times playing against Chelsea. A hard man.Every team had one.Ours was Ron (chopper) Harris.My thoughts go out to his family and friends.
  7. Pleased you've got an answer. Welcome to the not going out crew.
  8. I disagree, if it was me I would phone them.My understanding GPs sent a list of people at high risk up to the NHS and Government. Then I and others received a series of Texts followed up with letters.Unsure why your surgery wrote to you.Just my opinion dont think you would necessarily be four weeks behind the rest of us.
  9. Never drink and drive,cos your spill it silly
  10. I've got lots of rollers and brushes. Would do a swap and drop them off on your boat if A: I could leave home ,b: Travel up to the boat.Can't do any of that sorry.
  11. I take your point. Money is tight .I support in my own small way a number of charities, and will as long as possible continue to do so.One of which is Asthma research. Nicola,Alan and Marina. Have suffered from Asthma over the years.I now suffer from COPD.Yes it's True we are not on our boats on rivers or sea.However I've been a member of the RNLI local and National for a number of years,often collecting locally. Yes moneys tight,I myself am layed off and because of my condition my well lose my job.My reason for doing this and my attempt in starting a petition is simple.At present I cant leave the house because I'm at high risk.I want to do my bit I feel almost useless at the moment. I'm just doing this to help.If people can't spare cash not a problem.
  12. In my own small part I've signed up for the 2.6 taking place on what would have been The London Marathon day .This may well fill the gap in raising funds for charities. I'm doing so in aid of the RNLI.
  13. True but often slots are only available weeks in advance. Marina just placed orders.Slot available in a month time.
  14. When you think,some high profile fund raising. For example Children in need comic relief raise about twice that amount which is great.Tom on he's own almost 100 raising a huge amount of money is truly outstanding. I would for once say well done to tv highlighting he's story,in doing so helping him to raise more.Well done Tom.
  15. This morning the total has gone past 17 million pounds. Truly amazing.
  16. I think theres a fine line there.Bit about paint is a bit annoying. I was hoping to decorate one of our bedrooms. Was going to order if possible on line.Marina managed to get some bedding plants yesterday. Plants are not easy to get now. To beat this it is tough, I accept that, I cant help feel that the line between acceptable and control is close.
  17. Yes Its true I have lost the plot.I've signed up for the 2.6.Its an idea from the people behind the London Marathon.This year as most know the London Marathon has been pushed back to October I think.This has left a gap in funding for Charties, so they came up with this idea 2.6.I can't run due to my COPD but can walk 2.6 miles.If Tom can do it so can I. So I intend to do this from my garden on the 26 April 2020.I will be raising money for the RNLI.I like others will do it via Just giving any money pledged for my walk will go direct to the RNLI.If anyone would like to sponsor me that would be very welcome. Thanks from me Ian Hathaway
  18. Your correct Direct Debits only come out pre arranged via your bank accounts. This one with the DVLA,has been doing the rounds for some time.They did it with Marina. If in doubt contact the organisation that the scammers are Pretending to be.Use another phone.Some times they will stay on the phone and pretend to be the bank etc. Or you could tell them .Thank you I'm a Detective Inspector with the met police. Think they would soon put the phone down.😃
  19. Any money raised for charity has to be praised. When you think big ones such as Children in need,comic relief etc.Lots of promotion, lots of stars raise large amounts of cash.Captain Tom on his own raising so much is amazing. And it's still going up.He does deserve an honor for what he has achieved. Yes some well known celebs are honoured for opening the door.
  20. I think if you like and enjoy sport,you can appreciate the achievement of others.What happened with the Munich air disaster was very sad.To go on to do so well is a fitting tribute to those that died.
  21. All looks very good,if I knew what it is.I'm not very good at DIY.Now if its food I'm your man.Weather warning again. It's oven cleaning part two today.You've been warned.
  22. I know Tom's appeared in other posts,but thought may be a good idea to start a post,just on Tom.As I speak,06.26 The Total for he's 100 laps is close to 12 million. He is indeed a bright light in such dark times. Speaking for myself,he helps to make me feel more hopeful. He should reach 100 laps by 08.30 today.Sure the total will go higher.Lets send him a birthday card for the 30th.When this madness ends and we look back,there will be many bad memories, those that shine bright will be all those across the board in the NHS,care and key workers.Captain Tom will figure large in our memories . A big thank you one and all you are our heroes. Good on you Tom .
  23. Tom's now gone past eight million. I chipped in a few Bob this afternoon. Bet he's fund will go past 10 million. Go Tom.
  24. Sorry to be a damp squid, but think it will be a few months at least until we get to our boats.We last went there in February. The boat was a good shade of green then. Hope I'm wrong.
  25. The only fishing I do is nice bit of batter with chips and curry sauce
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