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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. What a day, we were lucky with the weather .The theme for the day was western .The wedding was at Tunbridge wells and the reception at the kentish Rifleman.Marina went for a cream coloured dress.I had a paisley waistcoat,RAF cufflinks. and a Marshalls badge and a pocket watch.The reason being my great grand mother was Scottish, my Father in the RAF.Keeping a little bit of my past a few pics.
  2. A big day today.Our daughter Nicola (Nic),gets married today.She not boat mad like us, instead her love is horses.Her horse is Whizz.The Wedding takes place in Tunbridge wells, the reception in a lovely pub,The Kentish Rifleman.Marina and I wish her and Husband to be ,lots of happiness. A picture of Whizz.
  3. A big day tomorrow, more details to follow.
  4. We will be on the broads soon for two weeks,will look out.Seems be common every where.Close to home people dump rubbish where they see fit.At our bus stop there are letter bins,clearly maked no household rubbish, yet often black bags left there.Sadly some people think rules dont apply to them.
  5. Lovely boat sadly not for me.If I had lots of time and skills may consider it.
  6. My view is clear everyone has a right within reason to do what they want.However there is a responsibility on all of us what ever colour or gender.If someone's views or bad behaviour affects others that is unacceptable. I think in recent years some bad behaviour has increased. In recent months for example two young women were beaten on the underground because they would not kiss.(they are gay).I am only concerned that people, who ever they are respect others.We all have different views, as it should be.Just respect others.Like most here I love the broads,but dont want idiots shouting racist, homophobic drunken rubbish comments at me or others.
  7. I think the idea is a good one however,I agree with Vaughan.How do you identify those with such views.Must say on the rivers the biggest problem for me is drunkenness and rowdy behaviour.Soon we will be on the boat for two weeks and we nearly always encounter such behaviour.
  8. If I cant get ice cream I too would panic.
  9. Have you had yourself checked?If not may be best to speck to your GP.I tend to get a cough if I have a heavy cold or if I get overtired, which what happened last week.Working long hours.By and large I can manage it.Yes I was a heavy smoker until 2005.When I gave up. As I said get yourself check up.Let me know how you get on. Ian
  10. I blame the phone,does it's own thing!
  11. Mine is managed by three offers,at time I too use cough sweats and cough meds.
  12. Just got back from seeing the nurse,at our doctors.For my yearly check on my breathing.Always makes me feel a bit nervous. Pleased to say apart from one percentage point,as good as last year. She told me my lung age is 60.I am pleased, considering the last few days,not feeling too good with my breathing and a nagging cough .What I will say is COPD is not a very nice disease,and is important to manage the best you can.
  13. Sadly last orders were called at Berney arms a number of years ago.
  14. Silly phone,top and tail.No need to peel
  15. Give it a good wash,top ana tail it then chop.No need to feel really.
  16. Have been there before,not realising that this was happening. All you got see was sails.
  17. Long overdue, hope the bridges at Reedham and Sommleyton get fixed.For us at Brundall will see how it affects us.We pop up once a month to check on the boat.
  18. Yes this week I have two long days back tomorrow for 0700 till 1500.By and large I dont do many long days now.I have to be careful since I got COPD.Can lead to chest infections if I get to run down.
  19. Beat you me one year and eight months.
  20. For 2012 Olympics ai was based at crystal palace looking after the Brazilian s.Then I was paid time And a half and double time.Now only time Being caterers no one seems to care.
  21. The following story may make you feel better.At present I am working in one of the world's leading investment Bank,based in the city.I have worked there off and on for best part of eight years. To make life interesting they are operating in two buildings.Where I am we are offering a limited breakfast and lunch service, but a full on evening dinner.This morning we set up breakfast, then most of the power went off.Some lights,ovens working, however no water.This came back on about 12.10.Therefore no lunch service. Power restored about 16.30,so went ahead with dinner.The best bit the chef asked if I could work from seven this morning to 10.00.Which have.Most of my day spent telling people there was no food or coffee.Still it could be worse,it could be raining,oh it is raining.Never mind back at work tomorrow seven in the mind.See that makes you feel better
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