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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. As I said don't remember planting them.Last year our garden looked good As for the tiles Griff I blame the builder,His choice when he did our kitchen some year back.We hope to move to Norfolk in a few years time.Next month I am going to paint the kitchen and slow but sure 're decorate all our rooms.Then hopefully the spring before we move give the garden a make over.Thats the plan anyway.
  2. We went past on Monday then Tuesday,there was a very large marquee on the hill,I guess for a wedding. From my days doing event catering must of cost a good few thousand pounds .
  3. I entered my Daulia at Chelsea this year,sadly it didn't win.They said we do grass and football here,but not flowers. Don't remember planting this,not be a great summer for the garden,but this Daulia is huge.
  4. I believe it's Mauld saw it Thursday at Frost bite,when we headed out of Norwich, think it's part of the heritage open days.Many places are available to view.Always a great chance of having a look.Sadly we are now at how.
  5. Yesterday we moored at Norwich YS. We noticed what was the old Thai on the river,has some of the wooden outer shell striped off.Now you can see the boat,could not make out the name of the boat,but Amsterdam written on the back of the wheelhouse.Would be interested to find out some of its history. Also last Sunday we went past Berney Arms,saw the door was open to what was/or is.Does anyone know what's happening there?
  6. We were there about 10.30/11.00,we often stop there the end of our first weeks holiday.We do shopping ,washing showers, etc.In fairness they came back on Saturday and were sorry.That first week we got hit about 4 times which does annoy me. Welcome by the way,what boat was you on? Ian
  7. I would contact the Banking Ombudsmen,giving as much information as possible, and the response you had from the bank.Keep copies of any/all reply.
  8. Never mind Maurice, I am sure someone will come along with an answer.
  9. Sadly not been there for about Three years, some pubs we go to all the time others for one reason on other miss out on. Only been to Coldham hall once this year,and yet it's just across the river from us.Waters edge again near to us and yet not been there for about two years
  10. Be prepared we cleaned the boat again.Came out of Norwich this morning stopped at Bremerton for lunch,did some cleaning. Moored at the ferry house since 3 o'clock. More cleaning. Sadly back to Brundall tommrow. Still been a great two weeks.Next trip late October.
  11. Cheese 69 Welcome to the forum .Don't forget you can book a moorings and table in pubs. As for us sadly going home tommrow. We have had some good food in the past two weeks.Tonight we are at the Ferry house Surlingham.Always enjoy it there.The point I made at the start of this thread is have seen a trend of fast food in pubs,each to there own.Just hope it's balanced. Ian
  12. DID he have a small boat and had a beard?If so did not see him this year.
  13. We are at Norwich YS,the water here is high not dropped much.
  14. We started off this morning from Beccles. Did fuel and pump out ,lot better then Thursday last week.31 lts of fuel and pump out £48.Just to let you know. Beccles town council will take responsibility for the moorings,loos and showers from next month. Should be better.At somerleyton even though I requested the bridge be opened,kept waiting half an hour,not acceptable. Beccles moorings busy,now at Loddon BA free moorings,at present only 5 boats.
  15. Since we have been up here ,we have done well on the lotto.Two lucky dips,£2.50 and £114.Not bad just need a few more naughts, still it won't change me
  16. Silly phone Locks not blocks
  17. After lunch we had a day boat for a few hours.Went up to the blocks been over five years since we went.First went in the sixties when Susan was there.Nice afternoon.
  18. Okay should have said fly.Still if they had of made a mess,they may of landed up in a pie.Talking of food having lunch on Beccles. It's a hard life this boating game.
  19. A bright ,slightly overcast morning moored at Polkeys mill BA free mooring.Arriving last night after crossing Breydon.First overnight here.Just had hundreds of Swallows fry very close to us,many landing on the boat.They are welcome, just hope they don't make a mass.
  20. As much as I love the broads,can't help thinking pricing like this and other boats.They may price themselves out of the market.For those prices you can have a good holiday in Europe or even the states.One reason we brought our boat was cost.Not including the price of the boat,running costs each year is about two and a half to three thousand pounds. For that we can use the boat when ever we want
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