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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Just had dinner at the Lion,considering there was a group of 40 plus about another 35/40service was quick food very good.Whats been done at the pub is first rate.Also got to meet Rick.Can tell he has a real love of the trade.My point starting this tread.There is a place for burgers,hotdogs,spicey chicken,basic food high end,good pub grub,but let's keep it balanced and above all whatever kind of food do so with care and love.As for tonight,well done Rick and the team at the Lion. Ian
  2. Very true.Also depend on sausages,good local ones are never going to be cheap,mass produced ones will be cheaper,but won't taste as good.
  3. Welcome to the forum, where are you moored? Ian
  4. Think you may be pushing your luck for under a fiver.
  5. Don't think you can do soup in a basket though
  6. What ever the the dog don't look happy.
  7. Yes you are correct there are many good pubs serving good food,but have noticed a trend of fast food in pubs.My guess is aiming at twenty something's.I just hope it is balanced and does not occur in most pubs.
  8. It may be me being a Chef working in kitchens since the early seventy and getting on a bit,but I have found many pubs and restaurants now fill there menus with pizza,pasta hot dogs burgers and spicey chicken.There is a place for such food.Dont forget old favourites like Spag bol,curries.Homemade pie and mash,fish and chips etc.
  9. We are at the cafe Wroxham, now all on our own no boats moored at the hotel.Earlier a group of men between late twenty early 40tys.Were drinking for about 3 hours,then a boat appeared almost hitting the boat,one yoyo jumped on our boat.I told him in no certain teams where to go.After much swearing (from them)they went.By all means have fun a few beers,but think of others.
  10. Sweetkingfisher and Orca at the New Inn,sunny bit on the cool side,hope no more rain.
  11. We are now at the New Inn with Alan and Dave.Moored at Ranworth earlier.Would you believe it,Marina and I did some more cleaning and it rained again .
  12. Very true indeed a sad loss to boat building and the broads.
  13. Never met him,but used Alphacraft a few times and got to know the sons well.A sad time when Alphacraft went out of business.
  14. Are you sure Alan,even now I have a fleece on,mind a lifetime in kitchens means I prefer heat
  15. Have not seen the plans,however what there is now is a mess and something needs to be done.Not a good advert to Gt Yarmouth when on the river I am sure if plans are done right it can only brighten the area
  16. Because this is England you can never tell with the weather.However being on the broads any time of the year is good have a great time.
  17. Whatever you are all doing and seeing have a good day.Marina and I cleaning the boat at Neatishead.
  18. The dragon's will get northern folk who don't respect southern waters.
  19. I remember as a kid used to get collections from the American civil war. We as kids used to swap.So some things don't change kids just get bigger.
  20. I wish you good luck,Marina and I hope to retire in a few years time.Who knows this development may fit the bill.
  21. Coming back from our last trip on the broads, I kept my radio on to run it down.All of a sudden a woman was swearing with no real reason for doing so.This went on for a long time in the afternoon. At one time the coast guard reminded all concerned rightly that channel 16 is for distress and emergency only.I have never come across someone misusing a radio like this before.My guess someone stool or picked it up and thought it fun to swear for England. Has anyone come across something like this before.
  22. I do use Facebook and Twitter, both have there uses.Sadly at times things get out of hand and some people go over the top.
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