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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. We called into the chilli farm just up the road for,loo and coffee.Tempted by the bacon cooking,instead got some strawberries. So Pimms o'cock later,No beer o'clock instead. Ian
  2. I agree Grace,but as much as I want to Liverpool to win I can't wear red.I would not be welcome back at Stamford bridge. Still come on Liverpool.
  3. Just pulled up for a loo stop.Sign on the door permently closed. Burger king opens at 10.00.Always stop there for loo and coffee.Called in the start of the month open.Must say the building could do with a case lift.There is a loo however in the petrol station next door.
  4. Good luck Liverpool for tonight in the champions league. It won't be easy,but Think if they play well they can do it. Think FIFA need to look at how arrangements are dealt with for those traveling to large compertians.Watching the news seems some have had a rough time getting there. Good luck Ian.
  5. Things must have changed,we brought Sweetkingfisher In 2013 she was called comet We Got a temp toll taking her from Wroxham to Brundall then we changed her name to Sweetkingfisher.The whole process was easy.In a few years time we may get another boat and may well change the name,so am interested how things pan out.
  6. Just Finnished Michael Caine on the one show.Looking back at his films,they went to New castle where Get Carter was filmed,like many city' s now fairly modern.One street looks almost the same as it was when filmed. As they went past the beer taps, was I am sure Nelsons Revenge.I did not know Revenge that far north.By the way MC was entertaining.
  7. May be me but when ever U have thought about using a Groupon it's not really served me much money.So I don't bouther.
  8. I agree I would not pay 8.00 for just moorings.
  9. We have done many times Leeds is a place to do it.So they do at times go over rough ground.
  10. Marina doing Segway at Leeds Castle. The problem is there is a hen party,none of which have done it before. Sure she will enjoy it though. A few pics.
  11. Welcome to the forum,Not sure often two a year Ian
  12. Sadly it happens,sometimes it's a case of inexperience.Some as has been said just bad manners. A few year ago coming back from Norwich three idiots in a unstale looking row boat going down the middle of the river.I slowed down and tryed to overtake they blocked my way,I did so in the end.Often a case of to much to drink not worried how they act.
  13. Sadly we lost 4 1,STILL a great game and a good send off for Ray. A few pics
  14. On my way to Stamford bridge to see Chelsea Legends v Inter Forever.All the old boys looking forward to it. It will be in part a tribute to Ray Wilkins. Will send some pics later.
  15. I agree think they have not got the balance right to many high end boats and seemed to forget those that always spend a few bob,but each year there were fewer stands.As I said before we did not really spend any more and items we would have brought, were not there. In the nine years going ever year spending from the odd one or two hundred pounds up to 28 thousand pounds. I still London needs a boat show,but must change.
  16. My view is it won't go ahead next year.They may try to work out where and if to go ahead. There are many parts of London that perhaps could host the boat show. Get the mix right.Yes there are many one mil plus boats available ,most of us spend a few bob.Encourge us to spend
  17. We have had them for years,The problem is many people will try to make the sad face.As for boats I have seen many times when moored some will speed past then after a time come speeding back does not make any sense .Have a rough idea where your going then there a those that go below the speed limit in the middle of the river.
  18. I remember that the next time you ask me how to cook something Ian/Dads
  19. I take issue with number one I am a happy chef,most of the time.Unless customers disagree with me
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