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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Just watched the last of Game of Thrones. We recorded the whole lot and stored on our planner.Not for the faint hearted or easily offended,never the less a great watch.The last series will be April next year. Release the Ravens winter is coming.
  2. Don't know as such.Not many phone calls,but a fair number of texts and emails.My work is mobile therefore. I get lots of texts and emails.
  3. I don't think the cost of tolls should depend on the number of boats on the river.It needs to be a fair cost.If BA can only survive on unfairly pushing up the cost something is wrong.I am not suggesting that's what there doing however.
  4. Welcome from me to best wishes Ian
  5. Yes John even thou, the shop is the top Just below the strap line.Its a throttle control knob.Sweetkingfisher has two.one inside one on top.It will take it's place,inside. Ian
  6. This is my 2000 post.Have posted since 2014.Has been a joy,What I like is we in the main can agree or not over many subjects.Thats what a forum should be,We share advice ,tips sometimes a shoulder to cry on.Have made many friends along the way,here's to the next 2000. Ian
  7. Welcome misswhiplash,to the forum.I/We normally ask a little about new members.This may be interesting,So tell us a little about yourself. Ian
  8. Look what the postman delivered the other day.Guess what it is?
  9. Yes as I said quoting the great man and saying winter may bite,but it is the start.With days like today it gives hope.
  10. It's not yet spring, but what a lovely bright day ,we had a few this week.The mornings are getting lighter,So to are the evenings.Okay winter can and perhaps will bite back.In the words of the great man.Now this is not the end.It is not even the beginning of the end.But it is perhaps the end of the beginning.Still a long way before the sun cream comes out,won't be long before back on the water. I am sure someone will post a picture of a spring round the corner. Ian
  11. Paul you could have got milk at the co op in Brundall much quicker and a pint in the Ram.
  12. I always moor at the BA moorings,We often go to the White Horse very good food.As others have said also the Swan and the cafe.Theres also a good selection of shops large and small.A great little Village well worth a village.Also good loos and showers available there.
  13. We noticed yesterday driving around that the Tapas bar At Acle has been sold.I hope who ever buys it can turn it into a nice pub and restores the moorings.We have booked to see the Band next February at Dartford.Already many of the tickets have been sold.
  14. I can' t match that,but when I used to smoke,Marina and I would go to France and Belgium on the ferry.We always got the 08.00 from Dover.We would have a coffee and a cheesy toast.Many others on board would make for the bar,lots of beer and full English,The fun started once we cleared the harbour.I have lucky,Not suffered much sea sickness.
  15. Soon to make our way home,Just had breakfast at the Lord Nelson. Nice and sunny least it's not overcast and raining.3 weeks time back up for a long weekend at Corton . Ian
  16. We saw the band tonight,brilliant does not matter if you like Take That or not.The show was great.It follows four girls aged 16.Then meets them 25 years later.Its very funny,well produced with songs by take that.Ww liked it so much it's on closer to home next year,in Dartford we will see it again there.If you get a chance give it a go. Ian
  17. Called into cove to check on the boat. She is fine.Then over to potter and Wroxham. On to Norwich we went to the bear shop Elm hill,Marina got a little Steiff,she has lots one of which over sixty years old.There was a woman in front of us who didn't like the button in the ear so she took it out ,Must of knocked lots off the value of the bear.
  18. I meant feathered lots of them plus.The lesser spotted disco girl. _5 No coat just handbag and lippy.I saw you with you coffee John.You sure there's wasn't any scotch or rum in there.Hope your leg gets better soon.
  19. I was not sure looking at the first post if it was to close am or pm.
  20. We want to check on SK tomorrow around 10.00.Any ideas? Ian
  21. Marina and I on our way up to Norwich.Lots of jam jars on the road.We are seeing the Band.last year on BBC 1 a competition to form a band it's a musical based on Take that.Should be good.Will also pop along to see SK. Little bit of shopping and the odd beer. Ian
  22. Welcome Katie,lots of help and tips here on boats sport food,And Grace can help with shoes,chocolate and wine.Happy days. Ian
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