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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Work has taken place this week to put the two ends of the bridge in place. Today we saw Matador turn round 360.Quite a sight.Watching that think I'll be alright turning Mermaid there. A few photos.
  2. Maybe Alan.What we've done is put Mothers day Daves birthday and my birthday together. Then have lunch tomorrow.
  3. Not sure how much longer before Mermaid is ready to go back in the water.Think will be soon.Now I need to think about the inside.last summer we had the fabrics re done.Old ones very tired. The wood work in the boat needs refreshing. Cooker,fridge and shower room fine.
  4. Today is my birthday another year older 22 now.A few presents from Marina.Satuday we're meeting up with Alan and Dave belated lunch for Dave me and Mother's day.So lunch at the boathouse. A photo Chelsea shield,Easter Egg and A Mermaid cup for the boat. A little Whisky later.
  5. As yet I've not checked all the info Macmillan sent me.I will,I fully understand it will cost me more then I've paid before. I won't pay silly money however.
  6. Yes Macmillan told me about the card.Also I could perhaps get a fit to travel letter from Consultant .
  7. Marina and I have been thinking about a trip to Italy this Autumn and perhaps back to Berlin.The problem is I've had Cancer. I did some phoning today.One companyoffered for the both of us one £1.300 plus for two trips.I phoned the Macmillan help line.The chap I spoke with was very helpful and sent me lots of info. Okay I have a cocktail of conditions,but is thet any worse then we all face in life.Each year many people sadly drop dead without any pre existing medical conditions. I think my condition is no worse then anyone else.In fact my Cancer and other ills are under control. It would be great to get away after a few bad years,but I won't pack my bags yet!
  8. Gracie,dont think you've ever been barred have you?
  9. Where there is the visitor centre?Are they sharing with NWT?
  10. My point is there's very few facilities at Ranworth and Reedham.Where there are at ones mentioned and Great Yarmouth. To answer your point. There not pointing way, but taking the P!
  11. Me too before moving to Norfolk. We would happily pay to moor in Nowich,Beccles and Oulton. There are loos,Showers and often help mooring.Plus local info from the attendants.Would that same level of service at Ranworth and Reedham if fees come in?
  12. I understand what you say,and I'm sure many holiday boaters will do the same.However I feel BA are taking the mick they've increased tolls by 13% and clearly want more.Some pubs charging for moorings and not refunding with food and drink.Added to the cost of hiring will I feel put some off.
  13. I do think it's a dripping tap.High charges,moorings charges st pubs.Some of which not refunded with food.Now purposed charges at Ranworth and Reedham.I don't think it makes good business sense now ,with cost of living increases. I just hope the tap doesn't drip to fast.
  14. There is no doubt that mooring are at times hard to come by.Is this the answer.I don't think so.I think it will put alot of people off.The shop,pub visitor centre and NWT will in my opinion suffer.
  15. I've been on Statins since 2006.My last blood test my levels were good,and have been for a few years.
  16. I had to have three partial extractions last week.Cost nearly £300.Then a denture £1300.Makes boating cheap.
  17. In all my years on the broads.I never been lucky getting on the 24 hour moorings in Horning.
  18. Only £280 added to some boats charging over 3k a week is a fair amount of money.Yes pubs like many businesses have taken a big hit and need to make money.Is it the correct way? Yes We're local and have the option by car or boat.I have often spent a fair bit on food and drink in pubs.If as some are charging a fee and not refunding against food.Plus if the good is not pleasant,I won't go.As some have said there will be others that fill the gaps.Not me I will go elsewhere.
  19. Sorry meant to have said charge for mooring refunded with food at the Ferry.That is fair enough. A number of pubs do that.
  20. The New Inn charge £15 with Electric £25.No money off food.Okay we're lucky living in Martham no need to bring the boat to Horning,but the charges for all three pubs is in my opinion unreasonable.
  21. He passed away last Wednesday at Potter.
  22. Dilham as about 3 average size moorings. We went to the cross keys last September,very good.
  23. Not confirmed yet that mooring fees payable at Ranworth and Reedham.There are a number of moorings that have two feeds one overnight from 4.00pm and one 24 hours.
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