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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Now we live here,and through winter we see most of the broads.We see many of the moorings.Believe me very little work was done over winter.Surely they should have a costed list of works agreed in the Autumn ,ready for the busy season.Things can happen that wasn't planned,that acceptable.To have large parts of moorings unavailable in such a busy part of the broads us not on.
  2. I sorry but I don't trust them.All there moorings should have been checked over winter.As I said just a few weeks into the busy season and this happens.If you go back three weeks,there was hardly any boats about.Perhaps instead of putting up new signs and posing by phone boxes.They should of checked the site of moorings.
  3. Surely they must of known about this weeks ago.Why now,it could have been done over the winter.
  4. I would suggest you tell Richardsons,before you start your holiday. I would also ask for advice about Wroxsham. You can moor at the hotel and the cafe for a fee and BA 24 hour free moorings the other side of the bridge.
  5. Think it's a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
  6. I've said All along,that I think this change is wrong and unfair.Not sure a few refusing to pay the fee,will stop BA continuing asking for it.Perhaps if there was a joint effort by other groups that disagree with a charge.It may work.
  7. What about Ranworth is there a legal right to charge?
  8. Do we know if this charge is illegal? Has anyone asked a Lawyer?
  9. I've used the VHF many times requesting the bridge to be opened.Some times they will some times not.Depending if there's enough time before train is due.You can also phone and ask.
  10. Mermaid brought from Richardsons last year.Had two stickers on the rear sides.
  11. The Manager must manage .players need to do what there told and earn there money. Or shown the door.Agree need a good Number 9.
  12. We picked these up today,from the shop Eden,Stalham.We asked if we could have Mermaids done.So a lady made these little Mermaids for us.
  13. Think Frank will settle things a bit.(I hope so).Think the club needs to get better control.To spend as much money as they did,and play so poor is unacceptable. Some players need to go,to many changes in the team.No team building. Must change.
  14. Phone Richardsons and ask to speck to Paul Richardson.
  15. Why not ask Paul.He won't mind if you ask.
  16. No problems,but need to agree myfee.Im not cheap.
  17. There are 14 allergens. That all In the food industry MUST work to.In my last job.I had to list any in a dish we prepared.That is no excuse for taking the easy option.
  18. Fillet of sole.With a cream and a Prosecco sauce.Very nice.
  19. There's no excuse. I had to deal with allergies. That doesn't mean you just provide easy options. Take burgers as an example. Mayo(eggs),bun,(bread possible soya).That's at least three allergies. To make a homemade pie there may be fewer allergies. It's not about allergies.Its training,and care.Many fast foods willcontain high risk food allergies.
  20. I've not been to that pub for many years.When I did the menu was far better.I have to say,there not alone.Many pubs now seem to go safe .I worry if this continues much longer it will reduce skill levels in the business. Yes covid has caused many to leave the trade.
  21. Perhaps they don't want the business. I don't know any pub that closes that early.There menu to me looks far from interesting as well.
  22. Oulton Broad the YS or moor at the Wherry.Beccles there's the 24 hour free moorings by the bridge.If your able to get under the small bridge. There's the hotel,then the Locks .
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