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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Blue top and rim,gray deck and white.Grab rails on top and steel flag pole.
  2. Called in to see David at Broadsedge. Took a long time for the boat to dry out.Rubed down. Undercoat then allow to dry,then topcoat. Afew photos.
  3. Thinking of getting new ropes for Mermaid.Perhaps classic rope.Depending on cost.
  4. Yes misty here in Martham. Think should clear by mid day.Hope you can get to Oulton.
  5. In my early days cooking.We use to make icecream 💣 bombs.The mould was made of copper and tin.Slowly build two or three coloured layers.Leave overnight in the freezer. Turn out walfers on the base.Very nice. So I've stuck to the thread.
  6. Yes talking to David,he said they waited for the boat to dry out.Perhaps due to cold weather.
  7. Went to see the boat today.Work should start on Monday. Then lunch at Bridgestones.Good as usual,but very busy.Think the tourists found Potter.Spent money on garden stuff too.
  8. Pleased that ended well,after alot of worry for many residents,businesses and Thanks to the Army and Emergency services.
  9. Or a little or perhaps not such a little single malt.
  10. Sadly Burt Bacharach passed away yesterday. At the age of 95.Over his long life he composed songs for so many stars.I saw him many times at Abbey Road. Doreen the catering manager knew most people,but one day when he was there having breakfast with crew artists,engineers etc.She didn't recognise him.And asked his name.Its Burt looking quite surprised that he was not recognised. RIP Burt.
  11. Its very worrying for those that live and work in that area.Lets hope that it's sorted out for them soon.
  12. Yes a very good match.Well done Scotland. A close game,Scotland deserved the win.
  13. This morning we called into Boulters,to buy more fenders.Then did some shopping in Wroxham ,sat in the sun which was warm.Then lunch,fish and chips at Grays very nice.
  14. At least Gracie was at a wedding.Wounder if she stayed for the Reception?
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