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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. We hired from Silverline many times.I know Colin had his ways,but we always got on well with them. They will be missed on the river.
  2. Think so.Over the years we got to know many there.I wish them well.
  3. My thoughts,perhaps harsh.Is that with Colin and Lesley stepping down.Robert didn't want to run the hire side,just building boats. It's great that yards are still building boats.But we like many gained the bug from hiring first.
  4. Don't think they need to.Theres space at Stalham. It's very sad for Brundall and in fact the southern broads.
  6. Just checked on there website,breakfast and lunch.They close at 5.00pm.
  7. Yes twice.Last time last December. Think we only had coffee.Food wise far from cheap.My advice check on line there menu.
  8. I have posted ,but at Tesco Caister we collected over six thousand pounds more then last year.We collected there from 10.00am to 18.00 hours.Like most fund raising. It is down to volunteers. So all charities welcome volunteers.
  9. For some,every day is Sunday.
  10. I enjoyed helping out.Last year they raised 6k.So very good to get more then that.Think there was about 15 of us,doing three hour shifts.
  11. As of last Thursday we had raised almost six thousand pounds ,for the Poppy appeal at Tesco Caister. Not sure what the final count was,but sure it will be more then 6k.
  12. Today,Marina and I went to the Festive and gift show at the Norfolk showground. It was all things Christmas. Lots of food,decorations. Needless to say we spent lots of money. The show goes on tomorrow and Sunday.Soon The winter wounder land will be at the showground.There was a big crowd,well worth a visit.
  13. There is a difference if a camera from another house is pointed to your house. Where as a camera on a boat is a tool to help mainly in reversing.Boats most often are moored close together. So some will look into other boats.Is that also a problem? I think not.As I said if it worries you close a curtain.
  14. My day or days.I've been helping out collecting for the Poppy appeal at Tesco Caister. Been doing so since Tuesday until tomorrow. So if your close by ,please pop a few Bob in. Ian.
  15. They would do better working in there community. Helping to reduce plastic use,taking sense in schools.At present all they are doing now.Is P@@@ing every one off and causing more pollution because so much traffic backs up.
  16. No need for yellow,just plenty blue and white.
  17. NOOOOOO.Our last car was Red and White. Our old back Doctor,who's a Arsenal season ticket holder,said Ian what you need for your new car Is a Arsenal sticker.My reply was un printable!.Our present car is Red and Gray.Whats going on so Mermaid will be Royal blue and white..
  18. We agreed to work being done over winter on the boat.Thanks to David at Broadsedge. In a few weeks she will be lifted out of water.Preped then painted white and blue.I wonder why! Some grab rails added.A new flag poll,that can double as a handle.
  19. Alan think the weather should be okay.If your close to Martham/Potter send me a PM,perhaps we can meet. Ian.
  20. I notice you've got grab rails but what I take is a seat, is open.
  21. A great looking boat Clive.Will the rear of the boat remain open?
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