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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. When you think it was a Wednesday. They were busy also a wake of about 30 people.
  2. Yes very nice indeed . We've booked Boxing day lunch there.
  3. Ian and Marina had lunch here today.Where were we? Answers on a Five pound note please.
  4. We are the same,it's just where,how we were trained. Example Mary Berry(sorry Queen Mary) is a cook.And what a cook,self taught. Better then some Chefs.
  5. Chefs and Cooks are the same really.Chefs have there roots in Monastery's.Some monks would wear hats.Later Chefs uniforms were and still are white the hat was changed from monks hats to the white ones.Cooks often worked in private homes. I'm a Chef I was classical French trained. In my early days working in hotels most menus were French and a little Italian food.Cooks are often as skilled as Chefs.
  6. Gracie I will reply re Chefs and cooks later.Got to see tooth Doctor (check up).
  7. Think in many ways working in kitchen's and the community,in many ways was very rewarding. That may of helped in a strange way with my Cancer.
  8. Never used one,apart from the cooker I have a blender,a microwave,food mixer. No air fryers or slow cookers.Thats not to say I disagree with there use.If it suits you and you find it useful 👍. That's great.I grow up in the sixties when there wasn't as many kitchen aides.Over the years they increased not only in domestic but also in professional kitchens.Many of which made life easier for cooks.
  9. I had the chance of working with some very talented people,some not so and some very funny people 😄 .I also worked in the community in Thamesmead and on the BOV/IMB at HMP Belmarsh. Think at times my days were 36 hours. Would I do it again yes but change a few things. Ian.
  10. So March 2020 Covid cases started to raise. I like many was layed off.Then my health started to get worse. Pneumonia in the summer,that time antibiotics did the trick no stay in hospital.Then lung cancer. So not the best of years for me.Oh and 13 stitches in my head following a disagreement with Ludham Bridge. Sadly I never went back to work, after nearly fifty years in kitchen's my work as a Chef ended.Not the way I wanted,but thanks to Doctors nurses my operation was a success and a time to look forward to the future. As I said over the years I world with the good, bad , and the ugly. Thankfully I worked with many good people. Some senior to me others not as senior.Working in Kitchen's it important to work together,not always easy.If you have a good team,the results are good.However if it's the opposite which is the case sometimes it's hard work to get a good result .The first few years I learnt alot working with Chefs who's training was classical French, Even though my training was classical French they helped me improve my skills. In following years I worked at times with a few famous Chefs. The bad : Kitchen's can at times be like a pressure cooker.At least three times I was bullied and it lead to bouts of depression. Thankfully I came out the other side.I Worked with a few Chefs that took there life due to depression. With thanks to the family and some friends my health improved.What helped was we would go out somewhere quiet and peaceful in 2005 I gave up smoking. Perhaps the best jobs I had was Nat West,Abbey Road.And Contracted at Goldmans Sachs. So the ugly, which is the same as bad.When Something is bad that too is ugly. Kitchen's are also often fun,lots of micky taking, joking about.Telling new Chefs when boiling lobsters 🦞 stir but make sure they don't go red.Go to the stores for a long wait etc. Do I miss Kitchen's?In many ways yes I miss cooking and many of people I worked with.Paper work no. There are so many regulations now, many are necessary but Some perhaps not. Would I encourage others to work in Kitchen's YES.Its not a easy job,but it's a great job. Tips: we all need food to live,so enjoy it. Buy the best equipment you can,buy the best food you can.Not always the most expensive. If you can grow some veg,I grow some this year its worth the effort. Visit if you can farm shops,markets trips overseas.Once again enjoy food and have some fun.
  11. Paul was very good when we brought Mermaid.
  12. I have he's number slso.We brought Mermaid from Richardsons this year.
  13. Seasoning salt and pepper does improve the taste of food.The trick is not to over do it.Yes you can cook without salt,often replaced with herbs and or spices.
  14. A teaspoon of salt is plenty. I Think it does .
  15. Oh dear.Lots of water bring to the boil,then add salt and a little olive oil.Add pasta reduce heat slightly. DONT overcook or burn!
  16. Yes indeed Helen I too have the book.It was my mums.
  17. Believe it or not,I worked with one idiot who made lasagne without cooking the mince.Needless to say it was not served.And to add he never made it in my kitchen.If he had he would have been swimming with the fishes.
  18. So Gracie,a few books that your Friend may like. Raymond Blanc kitchen secrets. Michel Roux Jr and Tom Kerridge proper pub food.These are a few Chefs that I greatly admire.
  19. A few ideas,pollock is a bit like cod.Instead of ovan bake.Pan fry with a little oil,season with salt and pepper. Dust in a little flour,add a spoonful of butter and keep costing with the butter,a good squeeze of lemon juice.It won't take long to cook 2 or 3 minutes each side. Deep fry, My batter is 3 2 1 . 3oz plain flour 2oz cornflour 1oz of baking powder. All in one bowl add sparkling water make sure your batter is not to runny.Make at least half an hour before frying.No need to put mix in fridge. Dust fish with flour dip in batter fry temp about 180/200c. Batter mix can be used for any fish,chicken or veg.
  20. I will look at some of my many books,that may be useful for your friend.
  21. Hi Gracie.So pleased you enjoyed your holiday. Nice to hear from you again.
  22. Thanks, my guess I'll be checked for the next five years.My lung operation for Cancer was 24 October 2020.So almost two years in.My Spine Cancer treated with Radiotherapy this June. Once again if anyone thinks they have a problem,get it checked. If your worried PM me, I will help if I can. Ian.
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