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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. I had a problem in January. Was seen in James Paget.Tests Xrays and a scan.They thought at first I had a blood clot on the lung.At that stage they ruled out anything serious. February I saw at Thoracic consultant. He thought they may be Cancer again. Five more scans CT,PET and MRI.Then transferred to Oncology at James Paget.Saw the Consultant (Zag).Cancer this time a small spot on my spine.Due to my lungs not being that good,we agreed to have Radiotherapy. I had five treatments at Norwich Hospital. Some side affects, the main one,tiredness. Has not stopped me doing things,just when tiredness hits I stop. Saw Zag on Tuesday,will have a CT scan next Tuesday due to have another phone appointment next month.I was at first surprised that it was in my spine,worried for a time.Zag reassured Marina and myself that the Cancer is small and hopefully the Radiotherapy should work.I know it's not easy for Marina and the family and thank them for their support. I would also like to thank Carole for her support too.We PM one another. Ian.
  2. Hope it gets sorted quickly Carole. Ian
  3. A tip,there's available now frozen mince,chicken and sausages.Mince can be turned into chilli,or cottage pie.Spag bol,etc.Sausages,breakfast, toad in the hole,bangers and mash etc.Chicken casserole, chicken curry.
  4. Really some people think there funny.Sadly there not.Thats not being negative!
  5. I love it when people are negative.Really come on it gives choice to boaters and locals.Yes boats don't have freezers,but has improved options. It's a standing yoke Lathams is tatland.Which I think is a bit unfair.
  6. Not frozen tatt.It has increased what looks like good quality frozen food.Okay fresh food is always a better choice. But that is the only shop at Potter in walking distance for those moored there.
  7. We was in Potter today.In recent weeks Lathams have installed more freezers.So there's more meat and fish products available. Handy if you moor at Potter.
  8. Very sad,such a star in many ways.She had a long fight with Breast Cancer. My thoughts go out to her Family and friends.
  9. I would suggest you phone the yards. They will have a good idea which boats are best.
  10. Marina and I spent about three hours on the Boat.Didnt take her out but gave her a good clean and put the curtains back on.Next week the upholstery is being done.So that eill freshen up the boat 🚢. A few pic's. Another Hampton.
  11. It's out there not only Roy's but elsewhere. Christmas is on its way.
  12. Yes Jean they do,think they may also do birthday cakes too.
  13. As I've said Great Yarmouth seems to busy when we're there.Hemsby is also busy.Potter, Stalham are busy,but not silly busy like previous years.
  14. Will you be mooring at Stalham or by car?If by car the Falgate at Potter very good. 01692 670993.The Lion at Thurne also.
  15. Now we live in Norfolk, often being by the river.I don't think it's that busy. Today at The Ferry House. Six boats .Pre covid it would have been packed.Often space at Potter.Again that's unusual. Great Yarmouth seems to be busy often.
  16. Today we visited a few garden centre. Marina looking for more fish gor the Tank.None today. Still we brought a few pots and some odds and ends.We went down to the Ferry House for lunch.Our first time sine Autumn 2020.Smaller menu but all good.On the way back called into Winbirri Vineyard,Surlingham. Not cheap but very good vines.They put on events throughout the year. Check on there website. Christmas preparations at Roy's.
  17. The Whitehorse Chegrave, bowling green and pub.
  18. There also one in the village. Not sure I'll like to play.Still never know.Wstched a bit of the T20 girls beating South Africa. Yes there is.
  19. I watched England v Wales playing for the Gold medal 🏅 in Bowls. I'm hooked. Well played by both sets of players. Very close match,Wales winning the Gold.
  20. Sorry if someone kicked me round the ankles. Think I would tell them where to go.
  21. Sorry completely disagree. The Germans did provoke England.Often not even trying to get the ball.Instead just trying to get the player.Our girls fully deserved the win.And As I've said before this should give the women's game a boost.
  22. Very sad news,my thoughts go to family and friends.
  23. Well done England.A great result .The girls put up with lots of pressure. And did the country proud.
  24. A case of going round in circles.fully agree with you.
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