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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Yes indeed we were there yesterday, and had to take a de tour.Didnt know it was a water leak.
  2. In good light the markers are easy to see.We often cross the bridge when shopping, Hospital etc.Yes they need to be replaced ASAP. However if as reported they were there at 10.00pm,clearly wrong and from photos they were not just past the markers,they were way over to the right .
  3. Yes very good we often have there takeaways.
  4. It is,now living in Martham we call in often. They also do a coffee loyalty card.
  5. Bridgestores do very nice Fish and chips also.
  6. Very nice filleted,fry with little oil and butter. Serve with new potatoes, vegetables of choice. Coat fish in a little white wine sauce or browned butter and fresh lemon juice. Very nice.
  7. I like TV,however on boats it doesn't worry me.Just a bit of news now and again.Whats the point of watching TV on boats?Make the most time on the water.
  8. So hair cuts,then we brought odds and sods in Stalham.Food shopping.Back home I planted up two pots ready for our front garden. 10.15 pm now still hot.
  9. It may well be 30+c today.What will you be doing today?We are both having hair cuts today.Then we were going to spend time on the boat.Perhaps not,so not sure what's planned for rest of the day. Perhaps a icepop or two,lots of water and sunscreen.Maybe not all in one glass
  10. Don't know who he is
  11. Whos making the sandwiches 🥪?
  12. There still be some idiot will run aground.
  13. Treacherous was how the water on breydon was described, on BBC look East the other day.Yes its at times interesting. Is it treacherous no.All water needs to be given respect. However reporting such as that is unhelpful .
  14. One things for sure this will still happen come what may.Some will say more action needs to be taken to stop it happening. The EDP and news programmes will still report it often going,OTT.Each year the vast majority of those crossing Breydon do so safely .Sadly there's always going to be some who will do there own thing and need to be recovered.
  15. Just checked there web site.Yes they do have moorings. Menu looks a bit simple.Good that another pub is back.I wish them well.
  16. Unless things have changed don't think so.Years ago we were going to buy the boat house,which included the boat house.Was going to turn it into a B&B.
  17. Okay it's not Chelsea, but done by a Chelsea boy and A Norwich supporting girl.Perhaps one of our best gardens, considering what it was like.
  18. We all make mistakes .I know the feeling.This is not about private and hire users.It simple DONT attempt to cross in low light without nav lights.I agree with Vaughan, perhaps consider a court action. That may lay down a marker.
  19. Some say the red ball game is finished. I've never agreed with that statement. I love all forms of the game.Watching England play New Zealand at Lords and Trent Bridge was great Cricket. Yesterday perhaps one of the best performances by a England team,certainly in many years.Are NZ a push over?No they are at present the red ball number one. Perhaps the England football boys can see how it's done.
  20. Sorry should have said. Should not have done so.
  21. It was reported that they crossed at 10.00pm. If so A as a hire boat they should not have fine so. B light would be dim.
  22. They were there overnight. Hemsby Lifeboat, got them off and transferred them to the RNLI.
  23. The trade,pubs,Restaurants, Hotels are all still trying to recover from covid.Many people were layed off.Many found better paid jobs,and didn't return to catering.The same has happened in aviation.
  24. The Falgate is now one of our locals.They've improved the pub, and food.Well worth a visit.
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