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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Phone Silverline, they will tell you the height.Looking I think at low tide she should get through Beccles old bridge. You will need to check on high tides also.You can ask for bridge heights at Beccles YS.
  2. When we moored in Brundall. We often didn't get a signal, until we went away from the river.Funny thing is since we moved to Martham, sometimes I have to move from one side of the living room to the other to get a signal.
  3. Today we went to North Walsham.we've only been there a few times. We went to the church. Now we're not that Religious,but we both like visiting church. Seen many in Norfolk and Suffolk. The church in North Walsham is lovely, and worth a visit. Then we went to the Garden centre, more bits and bobs and Marina got a few fish for the tank.
  4. I agree its not the job of hire companies to impose a payment or fine.Its the responsibility of the Police.There is no doubt anti social behaviour happens not only on the broads but sadly every where.Ive seen it a number of times.Hire companies on the broads and elsewhere can and do set down rules, that most responsible people will agree with.Sadly for some they think rules don't apply to them.
  5. I thought it was a coat.By the way we have a blackthorn tree in our front garden,and it's no longer in bloom.So perhaps winter is in its way out.
  6. We had the boat about 14 years ago.Indeed we hired from Silverline about six or seven times.Always impressed with them and there boats. Indeed there boats always look almost new.
  7. Well must say working as a Chef for nearly 50 years.I never had any of my employer's challenge me.I never took the mick.I only took time off if I was unwell. Catering often has a bad press.Sometimes unfair.
  8. You can get a loyalty card at Bridgestones,for coffee ☕
  9. Yes ,just received the Harnser and there is concern of the possible loss of moorings at PH.
  10. Think this post should now end before it gets completely bogged down.
  11. Our kitchen is from Howdens, Great Yarmouth. Can highly recommend them.Our builder Alan and he's Daughter fitted the kitchen.
  12. Thanks,it not quite as flat as it appears. Lots of digging racking every day
  13. So lots of work been done on house and garden.New doors on the conservatory. New kitchen finished this week.Three new windows ,hopefully by the end of the week.New heating next week.Today,thanks to Phil son in law,and Nicola daughter. The turf was layed. In total the garden was hard work.Nearly four ton of top soil and sand.Working on the Garden for about four months. Between Alan our builder,Marina and I.Today Phil and Nicola.pulling out about 10 odd shrubs. At last a nice garden.The first photo going back before we started work. Don't know why some of these pics are side on?
  14. Sorry to say for a number of reasons,I've long since not been a fan of WRC.
  15. 63 ,the big freeze. Snow until April.
  16. Hope you find out soon what's making you feel unwell. Best wishes Ian.
  17. The plans look good.I wish them well and look forward to visit once it opens.
  18. I too would like Lewis to be on pole.Sadly Mercedes are a long way off at present. They need to up there game.
  19. Not so sure they should continue racing there.For a number of reasons.Mercedes need to get there act together.
  20. The underlying problem,is people. Last summer many people set up tents in beauty spots across the country. Leaving rubbish, tents sleeping bags,building open fires every where,without a thought of the damage and those that had to clear up there damage.Common sense us often in short supply.
  21. For years I've had high BP.I feel for you.Best wishes for Monday. Ian.
  22. Thanks for that.Sorry to say I won't moor there.I'm not mean,we always went to the New Inn,often spending on average £100 a time.
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