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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Very sorry to hear your news.Thoughts for you and the family.
  2. Never hired from them ,but brought Mermaid from Richardsons. All concerned from Paul down were very good
  3. Helen I can agree.When we took ownership of Mermaid last week (Hampton 25).She handers differently then Sweetkingfisher.
  4. Dual controls are useful for many reasons. Sweetkingfisher was dual control. It does take some thinking. Many times I've seen people trying to switch control often under way.Never a good idea,best to do so moored up switch control then move off.Indeed we we're hit moored at Beccles, when a hire boat came into moor.It started to rain,they tried to switch.Lost control of the boat hit us and the boat next to us. Raising bridges at GY,not sure that's possible. Lots of traffic goes over there.A few weeks back the fire of the Pub on the bridge caused tail backs for almost a week. Also Great Yarmouth is under going improvements,so Important to attract tourists.
  5. Chelsea14Ian

    New Boat

    It was a good day for new boats.Best wishes from Ian Marina and Mermaid. Where are you moored?
  6. No only two bridges not St olaves or Beccles.
  7. Not Beccles yes I've head butted Potter old bridge and Ludham. Paul we've decided to keep the name Mermaid.
  8. It's Okay she one hand ,I've got two .
  9. She's Okay, can't drive until week on Saturday, but no heavy work for about another 4 weeks.In the meantime we're spend some time on the boat,cleaning and bringing bits and bobs on the boat.
  10. No we were inside at the Whitehorse.
  11. Some pics: Today we picked up our new boat Mermaid, Hampton 25 from Richardsons. We were looking for a replacement to SK.After speaking to Clive last November he said Paul had a Hampton for sale.So late November early December we looked the boat over and agreed a sale.We've had nav lights and shore power fitted.Hope to get her painted end of the season.SK was a lovely boat,but we've both got health problems and Mermaid should be easier for us.Thanks to Alan we took the boat to Neatishead, lunch at the Whitehorse. She is now based at Broadsedge,close to Alan and Dave.
  12. Manyana, there will be lots
  13. Tomorrow we pick up our new boat.Due to Marina's op last Friday,she is unable to drive just yet.So thanks to Alan he will drive and help out on the boat. Still won't give too many details until we pick up the boat.Will say we won't have to go to far to get to our new moorings!
  14. We went up to the village. Very busy. Had a good look round, brought some things.Had lunch in the Kings head.Only sandwiches, but very nice.Lots of Scarecrows, many of which very good.A few photos.
  15. Funny enough Marina is very keen on Schillerlocken.She is half German. When ever we are in Germany she will buy some.
  16. Have some of my replys been taken down on this post?
  17. For something different. Today and tomorrow the scarecrow Festival at Martham.Most of which takes place on the village green.Lots of stalls,food and of course Scarecrows.Theres also some music. We hope to go this afternoon or tomorrow.
  18. Surely this as I've said has been exhausted. It's just going round in circles. What's the point in carry on.
  19. Think this post has exhausted enough now.Time to move on.Agree to much finger pointing.Sadly one thing for sure,no doubt will scare the life of a few new to boating wanting to cross Breydon water.Thats sad ,crossing Breydon is a joy.
  20. Got JR'S and Asparagus in Tesco yesterday. Royals £2.50 a kg,Asparagus £2.50 a bunch.
  21. We as a nation are not great fish eaters.Which seams strange.As a Island surrounded by water, sea and inland.Most of the fish we eat is cod/haddock.Often covered in batter.Compared with Europe, South America,Caribbean. Where if it swims its eaten. Hake is not new.I first used Hake fifty years ago.You will see it in high end Restaurants. Tons of crayfish caught off the Scottish coast,most of which goes to Spain and Europe. Due mainly because its not eaten here.Not all fish is eye watering expensive. So to go back to Hake give it a try. A tip,lightly poached,served with white wince sauce. English Asparagus, Jersey Royal potatoes. Very nice too.
  22. Yes saw that the other week.The thing is the RNLI pulled there boat from the broads some years back.Hemsby cover the broads and the sea.Hemsby is one of about 150 independent Lifeboat stations around vthe country.
  23. Yes we did and there was another man and woman there.The grass in the church yard had just been cut.
  24. If a hovercraft is a option. Who would operate it RNLI or a independent?
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