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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Our house was thankfully not too hot.However one of our smoke detector went off about 4.00am,then about every half hour.We got up at 6 o'clock.
  2. Β£10.00 overnight is taking the mick.Not surprised with WRC mind.
  3. Just before we got SK,I put a deposit on a woodie.That never happened, I would have been swimming πŸŠβ€β™€οΈ with the fishes 🐟.
  4. Just where do you think it's cool on the broads,it's hot
  5. Martham now (09.38) It's 27c already due to hit 38,39c.
  6. Very good next project private 🚒 private boats.
  7. We were at yhe Norfolk flower show today.Brought lots of plants and some nice wooden things.Not to many tool stalls or lawn mowers etc.Stall pleased with what we got.Most of which for our front garden.
  8. Just checked they are fir sale Β£10.00
  9. Yes it is.It was not only the Brownies. There were also other πŸ‘½ Aliens too. Helen don't tell to many people how nice Martham is.There all want to live here.
  10. Very hot,it was good to see so many in our road.We were going to the carnival, but Marina and I spent all day re doing liners for the stones on our front garden. I saw the lads from Hemsby Lifeboat. We help out Lifeboat day and the herring festival.
  11. Sorry don't know the name of the house it's moored at. It is very close to the village. If you know Potter you will know where it's moored.
  12. Lots of floats,people all ready to head up to the village. A few photos the lorry is parked outside our house.
  13. For many ,they know they've arrived on the broads. When they pick up there boat.Visits to Wroxsham, Great Yarmouth, Norwich to name but a few.Some it seems passing by this sad boat makes there trip.Takes all sorts I suppose.
  14. Hi Helen just checked there menu.They have veggie and vegan choices.
  15. We have met Clive a number of times both he and Victoria very nice.Done to earth and clearly now there trade.
  16. I'm sure look forward 100 years people will still be on the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads .
  17. Think it's the wine bar,the Indian restaurant used to be upstairs.
  18. Mum's always made bobble hats,mittens too.Then when you got out of sight,take them off.Otherwise your mates would take the mick .
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