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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Today Marina and I went to our local Church, to sign the book of condolence.Which in its self was a little moving.The church is quite beautiful,dating back to the 12th century.
  2. Not only was she well respected in this country,but world wide.She had a great sense of humour. That was seen most recently,when she took the marmalade sandwich out of her handbag.And when we thought she jumped out of a plane at the 2012 Olympics. You were and still are well loved and respected.
  3. Watching the news,very sad to hear the Queen has died.She was the rock for many like myself. Having only known one head of state.She was truly a amazing lady who's sense of duly was out standing. My thoughts go to her family.
  4. Chelsea14Ian


    I've gone by cab from Norwich hospital to Martham on more then one occasion. Pretty sure they will go from the station to Stalham also.
  5. Looking at the sign,its fine wine 🍷. So perhaps only one wine.
  6. I have one.Its a barn owl.We brought it from a Farm shop near by.All proceeds go to the Norfolk wildlife Trust.
  7. Phone doing its own 🤔 thing. Post, no drinking at present just tea or ☕ coffee.
  8. It's been some time since I posted about my time in kitchen's. I'll pist later. Any questions/ tips you would like me to answer please give me.
  9. If you ban day boats.Where do you think they will go for lunch? They bring in much needed funds,to pubs and local businesses.
  10. I think one of the reasons the moorings was packed.Is because the New Inn change £15 per night,non refundable £25 with electric. I fill for the business,but it should be managed properly.
  11. It's been many years since we were at the Ferry Horning. We've intended to pay a visit as its been many years since last there.As someone who's spent a lifetime in catering,I just dont understand some in the business I love.To be a good manager you need to manage people correctly. Not only staff but importantly customers. The way you were treated was out of order. .
  12. Pretty sure you can exchange or return to BA.
  13. Think there was some problems over the winter.With vandalism,by the look of the inside.Seemed to be cleaned up a little.
  14. We went up there many years ago in Silver Melody,very tight Think I did a 25 point turn.
  15. We've only had our boat a few months,so still getting used to her.So hard to say.
  16. We have a Hampton safari 25. Our moorings is at Broadsedge, about 1300 pounds Tolls I think about £350.Insurance around £250. I've never looked at a garden moorings,so have no idea of costs.However insurance companies we reduce your fee if,moorings have good security.
  17. A good day.We sold all the cakes,steady on teas and coffees.Lots of beer cold drinks.They sold 23 stone of Herrings. A few photos. 20220828_102317.mp4
  18. My day today will be at Hemsby,helping out at the Lifeboat Herring festival. Weather looks fine,maybe not as hot as recently. Hopefully we raise some much needed funds.So if you're close by pop along ,spend a few Bob and enjoy the day. Ian.
  19. The writing is German. Its Koin(Cologne) Germany. As they pasted us,I thought of trying out my limited German.
  20. We saw them yesterday. I thought they were German. We were on the Ant heading back to Broadsedge. They were very well organised, Shouldn't be a problem.
  21. I think it's up to a business if they offer a discount or a loyalty scheme. Many do ,and I have a number of loyalty cards. And talking of loyalty, I've been a Chelsea fan for over fifty years.Will continue to do so.For sure not the best of starts.
  22. There may well be a Watford Bridge pub,but they may not offer a discount to NBN.
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