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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. I like Spring,Autumn and Summer the most.Yes at times this summer was unbearable. Winner ,pleased when we move into spring. Although it has its moments.
  2. Not sure If my jab,Pfizer has made me ill.All my jabs were Pfizer,the only thing with the previous ones was a sore arm.
  3. Feeling a bit bit rough Started feeling a bit flu like Tuesday afternoon. I had my forth Covid jab Saturday. Was due to have my flu jab tomorrow. Have rearranged that for later this month. Still not stopped me painting the hall way.
  4. January it's cost me alot £10! No need to change my spacs till next year.Marina's £400.Lucky me.
  5. Sorry it's me.The photo in the background at first looked like a cat.Now I can see it's a dog.So apologies to the doggie.
  6. It's surprising how many don't apologise. It's happened to us a few to us a few times,without an apologise.
  7. You will need that much to cook 300 fish believe me.Some times if we were really busy,I would have to make more mix.
  8. My last job on Fridays I used to fry fish Pollock or Haddock,often about 300 hundred bits of fish.My mix was 3 2 1.3 kg of plain flour 2kg cornflour and 1kg baking power mix with sparkling water. Allow to rest for at least an hour.We also did pie mash, garden peas and mushy peas.Gravy and curry sauce. Pies often chicken,beef or lamb and a veggie one.
  9. Yes Ray.Many moons ago there was loads of eels in the Thames that why jellied eels and liquor .Often now its made with parsley. As I said not for me.
  10. Crumble with custard,cream also why not.Now I know I'm a Londoner No pie mash and waterer parsly sauce or some still do ell sauce.NO, for me pie mash and curry sauce. Good also with fish and chips.
  11. Dawn breaking in Martham. And it's a red sky in the morning.
  12. Cove Marina is very good we moored there for over Eight years.Its about 50 minutes from Norwich.
  13. We like the Falgate,they've made lots of improvements in the last year. Gracie take a slow walk and have a wine top up when you get there .
  14. Now living close by we pop into Potter, more or less once a week.Yesterday lunch at BS.
  15. We moored there twice with SK.Okay about four years ago then £10 a night.
  16. So the front garden has alot of planting over the summer.Some landscaping.Dry river bed,a lobster pot etc.Quite pleased lots of work,well worth it. A few photos.
  17. That's a bonus, Wouldn't want to pay them any money.
  18. We've moored a few times at HW, Potter.Think it was about £10.
  19. Again don't just roll up and moor.Phone ahead.
  20. Way do you want to moor in private yards?Are you a private owner or a hirer?
  21. I tried for Christmas, there only availability was later in the day.So I booked elsewhere. Today as I said I booked Boxing day lunch.Yes best to book.
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