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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. In fact raised last night was £12,146.80. They work very hard at raising money. The Lifeboat event early August they raised 18k.The Herring festival not sure how much but they sold 33 stone of fish.I've been involved all my life working in the voluntary sector. What the crew and volunteers do at Hemsby is outstanding 👏.
  2. I've just checked Hemsby Facebook page. Last night we raised just over £12.000.Very successful evening. Since moving to Martham,I've helped out a number of times.The crew and volunteers do a great job,There's also a lady living close by who's raised considerable amounts of money for Hemsby Lifeboats. Next up early next month Santa 🎅 will tour the surrounding areas.
  3. Today I helped out Hemsby Lifeboats,this afternoon and evening for the fireworks.At Hemsby playing fields.There was two of us on the tombola stand.There was a bar,bbq music. Amusements,stalls.A good evening the fireworks were good too.Not sure how many people attended,but it was a lot. A few photos.
  4. Brochures were always great to cheer up the dark days of winter. Planning your next trip on the water.So too was the adverts on boxing day.We also enjoyed going to the boat show in early January. We got our first boat at the boat show.
  5. A very nice long day.We got home about 6.30pm,very wet this morning.Sobwe got our chocs, coffee and a nice bottle of red wine from Meopham. Then onto lunch,Marina's brother was very surprised 😮 that we were all there for lunch,14 of us.Lunch was very good,nice to see family we've not seen for a time. A few photos 📸
  6. So for only the second time since moving to Norfolk,we are going down south.A pit stop to Bluewater for Chocolate and Coffee.then to Marina's brothers 70th Birthday 🎂 party.
  7. The broads are magical in winter,but I don't do cold. The latest we've done is early December and earliest the start of March.That was very frosty.
  8. In my opinion a good catering business should accept cash and cards.Offer good service,if it's licenced a good selection of drinks ,wines, spirits and beer and good food of course. There's many trendy business that sadly are far from good.
  9. That's what I thought until I got a mobility scooter. For a few years now if I walk long distances I get very breathless so for example last week we went to Norwich so I used my scooter. There are some shops I just can't enter with my scooter. My disability is slight,for some it's far worse. There is still a long way to go to improve accessibility overall.
  10. Yes tasted three.A standard one,a 11 year old and a 15 year old.We didn't have to spit out.Also I brought a whisky and a liquor. Barrels of whisky cost about £3000.Need to be stored elsewhere.
  11. A nice day at St George's. The tour was very interesting. Apparently there's about 40 English distillery.Sononly another 39 to visit . A few pic's Like being in a sweet shop.
  12. Sorry to hear that.Martham was our second attempt. Very glad we picked Martham. We don't really miss Kent/London. Having said that we're going to Marina's brothers birthday lunch on Sunday. A stop off at Bluewater for 🍫 Chocolate.
  13. We've used the QR code at Weathersoons,since covid.Its one piece of tec I find useful. I still do.In the past I've gone to the bar and others seem to get served before me.Which is annoying. Will try the pub when they start food.
  14. No regrets Gracie. Its quiet,the air is better.And every day its like looking at a postcard.My first two visits to the broads in the sixties was to Martham. Now living here.
  15. Today marks our first year living in Martham. We've been busy.Both Gardens front and back have been done.Lots of hard work over many months. Very soon all the windows will be replaced. I've decorated the hallway.The kitchen replaced and repainted.the porch has been lined in wood.I've painted in white and soon stain and vanish.We've had a few bumps along the way.My Cancer and Marina's op on her wrist and problems with Arthritis. Oh and a new boat. Today I'm thanks to Alan touring St George's English Whisky. It was a long held dream of ours to move to Norfolk. It didn't disappoint. We love it here. A few photos.
  16. There are a number of Christmas events in and around locally. Tickets on line .Not so long ago you could pay on the door.Many older people don't have a bank account. So there not looking for work.There is an assumption as I said that everyone is able to access tec.That is not true and is unfair to those without tec.
  17. It seems that now most things have to be done on line,many events are ticket only.There is an assumption that everyone has a smartphone,computer and a Bank account. Wrong many don't and that may be NORMAL for many years to come.
  18. Think it's a mistake to only accept card payments We went to Woodfordes last week.There machine went down,which was problematic.I also think this whole thing about cash started with covid ,about time cash is accepted everywhere.
  19. Think the two women are past there sell by dates.Anton doesn't all ways get it right,but I would give him another season. Agree think some of the matches on Saturday were poorly matched.
  20. Many years ago.Alan went back to London to sit one of his exams.We met up with David at The run up to Oulton Broad. David waited for us,then wanted us to go first.I thought it odd,then I could see why.Then all we could see was sails.So slowly stop go we got to the YS.Not bad only one tapped us once.He disagreed,of course he would.An eventful day we moored up.Alan came back from London in the afternoon. I enjoy coming across sailing ⛵️ boats.Always a challenge. Just take time and be polite (both ways).
  21. Yes I've had some bad luck over the years.It doesn't get me down.Yes it can knock you back.Cancer has its lighter moments. Meeting others on the same journey,you tend to swap stories,jokes etc.The Cancer care nurses are great.I've had the support from a whole range of family friends , Doctors and nurses . May seem strange to say,but Cancer shouldn't get you down.And Strictly helps.
  22. I would like to see new judges next year.Keep Craig,and perhaps one show not two.That way,that would prevent leaks,which happens now.
  23. Apart from Ludham Bridge.Very cold wet days,not able to get warm
  24. Never heard of him.Have met Ron twice.A true Chelsea legend and a nice bloke,lots of great stories he told us.
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