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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. No it started to happen a week or so ago.I have asked the mods if it's me or the forum that causes the problem. They think it's my end.I don't have problems elsewhere.
  2. True,think he needs glasses. He gave the French too much leeway.
  3. Think England played well.Not outplayed by France.
  4. Very cold here in Martham. Frost and fog. View of our garden.
  5. Back in August,Hemsby 30 + d.Lots of people in the water and on the beach. A seal was looking st everyone.Not in the least worried.
  6. We are lucky so close to the coast. Only down side.Can get a bit windy at times
  7. Yes it did as I said GY and James Paget both had light snow on the ground.
  8. So far no snow here yet,but very icey.same yesterday,some snow in Geat Yarmouth.
  9. A view looking west from the house. Black clouds and blue sky,and a aalmostfull moon.
  10. Well worth the money,very enjoyable. A few more photos.
  11. Today Marina and I are on the North Norfolk Railway,from Sheringham to Holt.We are due to leave at 17.00. We got here early had a look at some shops.
  12. I've had most of my cooking kit for over 50 years.Some of my knifes more then that.And thr only dish washer we have, is Marina or me.
  13. Fair point.Tin foil has its uses.However disposable foil roasting tins are a waste of money. Probably dreampt up by marketing bods to make money.
  14. Fully agree these things just make people lazy.At home I've had perhaps four or five roasting tins,for home and boats all my life.Never used disposable ones.And never will. Don't know why my phone is doing this?
  15. Well I did work in Abbey Road!
  16. Don't know why this has happened something similar the other day.Can mods help out?
  17. Today we went to Norwich Christmas shopping . Lots of money later. At the forum,arts and crafts.Most of which hand made or painted. All to a high standard. Also food and drink.Well worth a visit if your in the area.
  18. It's okay, I will give all your names to Father Christmas 🎅. And tell him no presents for all the comics.
  19. With apologies to Frank.I left part of my head in Ludham Bridge.
  20. Wither it came from the broads or elsewhere. They should have checked tthe route first.
  21. If this boat was brought in Wroxham,surely they would have known not yo travel over the bridge.
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