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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. I agree missed Betty all this time
  2. I've thought for a few years,Craig seems to mark the fairest.Think at times the other three get it wrong often. Shirley marked Kim and Tony a six.Thats beyond silly.Kim was far better.
  3. I hate to say this,but Tony Adams is getting better. However if Ron Chooper Harris if was on Strictly he would smash it.
  4. Gracie what's wrong with the 👞 shoes and the dresses? I've watched strictly all that time.Often when I've not been well unfortunately. Over the years at this time of year I've had broken bones,Pneumonia,operations etc.And strictly cheers me up.So it's a 10 from me.
  5. The world is in a sorry state at present. Things may be better if it was a bit more strictly. I always enjoy this time of year,and this year there's a good group of celebrities. And strictly lighterns the mood of all the doom and gloom. Keeeeep dancing.
  6. Correct next week.Think Smoggy is a bit foggy.
  7. We've just called into the shop.There card machine went down last night.May not be up and running till Monday.Also no card machine working in the pub.Cash only.
  8. Think mornings are best.Most of my working life, I was up early.It tends to be quiet ,this time of year as Grace said a little bit misty.The sun on cobwebs.Nice in the summer when it's warm.The winter that cold crispy feeling warming up with a hot drink.I do like the seasons,it makes things interesting. Years ago we went to America in February. In Vegas it was 25c,we left our Hotel 25c.We traveled to the Grand Canon it was -5c.Now that was strange
  9. I do remember the coasters,when ee were on the river in the sixties. We saw them at Reedham,Cantley and Norwich. They seemed huge on the rivers.
  10. He's sister is also silly sometimes. So too me.
  11. Why would a broad in Suffolk be called Norfolk broads. They are in Suffolk. Therefore it's the Norfolk and Suffolk broads surely.
  12. Perhaps my very expensive sunglasses that fell in at Neatishead. .
  13. It's worth a phone call to the company. Ask them how they arrived at that cost of fuel.May help to let them know your journey's if you had heating on etc.
  14. It doesn't need to go up market,it just needs good food that will please many people. That can be done without changing an arm and a leg.
  15. True but they don't knock that off the price of food.
  16. In my opinion ,they should offer very well cooked favourites (pub food)local produce and some specials.Keep it seasonal.Font just offer pizza, ribs.It seems that fills menus on the broads now.That all could be done without going upmarket.
  17. Think if they don't offer food.It won't be white Heron, it will be a white Elephant.
  18. Marina and I, to our knowledge have not had Covid, that's a bonus just for me pneumonia twice Lung Cancer and Cancer on the spine. I know what you mean but for me I'd rather get jabed.
  19. Any reason why you didn't want a forth jab?
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