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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Watford Bridge used to offer a discount. Not sure if they still do.Dont know about fuel,and yes Brian Wards do offer 10%.Not sure about Boulter,we have just signed up with them.
  2. Living and working in London nearly all my life.Thats not entirely true.For sure some parts of London yes but for most of London no.
  3. When it was the Yare,it had a good customer base.Okay the food for me was a bit average, but we would often go there.Will be interesting to see what food and drink is there.If I was to pay £40 for two breakfast it would have to be a lot better then what they have on offer.
  4. True,when we moored at Cove,I wouldn't be able to walk up.Think Sonia still does breakfast at the Ferry House.
  5. They say "cooked by our Chefs to perfection ".Then go on to say ready for you to prepare in 15 minutes.Perfection in that photo it's not . Wonder how much they charge in there pub?
  6. Think they've lost the plot.Call in the Co-op at Brundall, buy ingredients and cook yourself. Or have breakfast at a cafe in the village.
  7. I get it,but overall most shop units are in use.Dont often sadly see that in many high streets.We found some useful shops.One of which we may buy items for the boat.Can't believe how many pubs are there,and as I said will try the Mediterranean Restaurant one day.
  8. Correct. We often go through the Town but don't stop.Today we did,Gorleston. Must say interesting, very pleasant. There's a Mediterranean Restaurant, which think we will visit.
  9. Don't worry most of them don't bite.
  10. We went there Saturday by car.Full up and plenty of cars too.Just a few car parking spaces left.Think it has bee a quite summer, even though the weather has clearly been dry and sunny.
  11. Just seen on Hemsby Lifeboat Facebook page.They raised £18.000. So a great result.Next event Sunday 28 August 2022, Herring Festival on the beach 10.00am to 5.00 pm.
  12. As Smoggy said this post was flogged to death some time ago.Whats the point discussing it anymore.
  13. According to BBC weather seems to suggest mid 20s. Have a nice time Alan.
  14. I enjoy it.I used to help collecting for the RNLI.When we lived in Kent.I spoke with them here twice, and so far they've not asked me to help.I Now know most of the crew and volunteers at Hemsby.They are a good bunch.
  15. I helped doing tea,coffee and home made cakes.Most of which baked by a lady.Ive never seen so many cakes.It was a good but tiring day.
  16. A very good day not sure how much was raised. It was busy,hopefully they raised a good amount.
  17. If full swing now.I'm the tea boy. A few pics
  18. Today I'm helping out at Hemsby.For Lifeboat day.Theres lots to do on the 🏖 beach. So if your around pop along ,raffles,arts and crafts,face painting bouncy castle and more. Displays by Hemsby and RNLI Lifeboats
  19. Dame Deborah James (bowel babe).Did so much to encourage people to seek help.In my small way I to hope to help people to seek Advice from Doctors. Yes a moving post from Wussername. Which sums up what many of us face.
  20. I think it's important that Cancer is spoken about.Growing up in the sixties. People didn't want to talk about Cancer, at best just saying its C.Cancer treatment thankfully has come a long way since. If I can encourage anyone that thinks there's a problem with there health to seek help.That's a success. Yes not easy to get a GP appointment. If that's not easy phone 111.
  21. I've now had Cancer twice.On both occasions being told that in the beginning wasn't easy to take.For me I wanted to know what was the best treatments available. There is lots of support I can call on.I have four lung nurses and four Cancer care nurses I can call on.The Cancer care nurses phone me about every two weeks. There's also the big C at Norwich hospital. Its a drop in centre. My advice to those like me,stay positive listen to Doctors and nurses. Get on with your life.Dont forget your family.They will be worried at times .
  22. My mistake should be Zak. ( Dr Tasigiannopoulos ).
  23. I have told this story before.The reason I stopped goes like this.I had tried to stop a few times without success. Long flights to Canada and America. Where I could have killed for a fag.Then working at Abbey Road. I just didn't feel right,and money wise.A visit to the Doctor then discussing options with the nurse.We decidided a date and patches for me.so picked the 2 November 2005.That night Stevie Wonder was in the studio. I was asked to stay in case he wanted food.Which in the end he didn't. I got home about 1.00am.So didn't stop that day.Following evening I Got home 11.30pm.I had six cigarettes in the packet, I smoked five.Broke and throw away the last one,washed the ashtray. Went to bed,when I woke up I put a patch on and have not smoked since.I the family and friends never thought I would.Think I had a reason to stopped that's what helped me do it. I never nagged other smokers,I used to enjoy smoking, but am pleased I stopped.
  24. I understand I was a heavy smoker,but managed to give up.I had patches ,which worked for me.You do however want to give up if you are able to succeed.
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