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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. There was also a nasty crash in F2.Again the halo helped the driver no end.
  2. Thought is was a very good race.Glad to see that the Driver was okay after such a nasty crash. For sure the halo helped.Glad to see that Lewis put up a good show, think he was a bit unlucky not taking top spot,nonetheless much improved. I hope it continues
  3. Mostly agree, however there seems to be pinch points re; bad behaviour.Our boat has been hit a number of times.Once causing £15000 worth of damage. I will no longer put up with bad behaviour, to either BA or if a hire boat to the company.Okay I wont name the boat on SM, but unacceptable behaviour must not be tolerated.Yes in the main things are okay and I always encourage people to visit,thats way I love living here now.
  4. No doubt if a accident happened, they would blame someone other then themselves. I agree hope you reported them.
  5. If there was a Deborah, for every Cancer That would certainly raise awareness.
  6. Just watched on BBC 1, Dame Deborah James The last dance.Very sad yet inspiring watch.Her TShirt says it all rebellious hope.I get it,as someone who's had Cancer.Dont give in,dont let it get the better of you.Theres always hope.
  7. Or you say Paul,everyone talking a load of ****.
  8. It is also important to check on your health.Dont ignore possible warning signs.If you don't feel right contact your GP.Dont worry about Covid rubbish.Your health is important. If you can't see a GP.Phone 111.They will help.They were very helpful to me in the past.
  9. Went to and talked with the RNLI,saw BA doing the throwing line .Did not speck with them.
  10. Today we went to the Royal Norfolk Show.Our first time,think most of Norfolk was there. Lots to see and do.We brought mainly things for the garden.Can highly recommend the Show.On the way back to the car my mobility scooter started to run out of juice.Thankfully a chap asked if I was okay.He works for a mobility company and hooked up my scooter. Very kind of him.Next mouth back there for the garden Show. A few photos 📸.
  11. Think the age should be lower.Deborah was only 40.
  12. Such a sad loss,but she's done so much to raise awareness of Not only bowel cancer,but cancer in general. She did so in a fun way and helped to bring Cancer out of the shadows. As someone who's had Cancer I know it's important to keep a check on your health.DONT just think it will go away.Cancer is not nice,but I've found lots of hope and support from it. As Deborah said check your poo. I would add if you think something not right,get it checked.
  13. The river levels,raise and fall all year.Often in the winter river levels can be high.Sometimes there will be two high tides/low tides. Often due to wind conditions keeping water in or out.On more then one occasion our boat was sat on mud sometimes almost on the bank.
  14. Mayday Mayday, this is no problem, we do however have a problem.
  15. Today we went to see Alan.Coming back almost 3 hours normally about one hour twenty minutes. Road works at Long Stratton, then Wroxsham.
  16. What are you employing.Folk in Norfolk work as quick as they can.Okay not like London where its wanted yesterday.
  17. My day well Marina's day.We took the boat out today.Quite hot we made out way to the Lion for lunch. It is Marina's birthday. Still getting used to the boat not easy going in reverse. A nice day out today,a few little drinks tonight. A few photos 📸. Bost not yet ship shape.
  18. Yes just seen it on FB.When there yesterday they must have just closed the road.At that time no work done. Hope no beer leaked
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