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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. I agree but some here seem to think there will be a ban.
  2. There's no need,there's no hosepipe ban here.
  3. In general they've said this year has been the driest since 1976.Which includes winter months.
  4. Much needed rain overnight. A spokeswoman for Anglian water on BBC breakfast this morning, again said she thinks there won't be a hosepipe ban this year.If it's a dry winter that may be a problem .
  5. They are running a pipeline from Lincoln, which they think would improve water supplies.
  6. Here in Martham, we are Anglian water.Aa yet no hosepipe ban.To answer your question, it may be an idea to contact hire yards if hiring or private Marina's if owned.
  7. Many footballers,donate,give there time to charity's. Think we could all argue day and night about money in sport and still no agreement.
  8. No,think he will want one more world title. The Mercedes is improving, but still a way off.If he's got a good car,be that a Mercedes or another team.Dont think he will want to be mid table.
  9. Don't think Dutch boy will have it all he's own way.
  10. Don't think for one minute a payed chore. Yes they are very well paid,but sports men and women will always want to play and succeed for there country.
  11. Think it will be a close game.England Germany always is.Our girls are playing really well,with the crowd I hope 🙏 England win 🏆.
  12. It may just be a turning point for the Women's game.In recent years it's progress well.Womens Cricket perhaps a bit further behind football. That said there are gaining some progress.
  13. Okay I'm retired, after working nearly 50 years often working 15,16 hour days. Have a nice day.
  14. There was a little girl on BBC breakfast. She was seen last night.Singing along Sweet Caroline. Not yet got a ticket for Sunday,Think she may get one day.
  15. You call still raise a glass,and plan the next trip up to Norfolk .
  16. Today is Norfolk day.So if you work live or play in Norfolk. Perhaps raise a glass of beer or wine(Norfolk) of course. Look out for local food of which there's lots.Lathams are putting on and number of things too.We went there yesterday, very busy,lots of good things for gardens. There are many events across Norfolk. Just check on Google. Have a very happy Norfolk day.
  17. True however if heavy-handed placings egg in water, you may crack the egg.
  18. It is very useful and would think helpful to many. You can't make an omelette without cracking eggs.
  19. I agree fully.As a private owner,if we hit a boat private or hire and it was our fault.We would deal with it in the correct legal way.I can't see anything in the post started by Vaughan wrong.Indeed a useful post.
  20. I think £7.50 Is fair.Most people will go to the pub.Its free up to 4.00 o'clock..As said some pubs change more.My only concern with the moorings there.Is the rings which not always visible. Would prefer posts.
  21. It could be.So lucky to have many nice pubs on the broads.
  22. We popped out for lunch at the Lion Somerton 🦁. Partly due to me picking up my hat.Left it there Saturday.Its a nice little pub. Then we went to Horsey,been many years since we were there. A few photos, not sure if visible Martham church to the right of the windpump.
  23. Thankfully cooler now in Martham. Even the odd spot of rain on windows. A bit overcast ☁️ now. Temp 22.c.
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