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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Thanks yes her hand is better.I will post soon about the house, getting there.
  2. I spoke with my Consultant yesterday. Very pleased to say the results of my scan was good. The spot on my spine and two in my lung seemed to be under control .No further treatment just a blood test November and a follow up scan in December. It's been a tough time for not only myself but the family too.I'm thankful of the support of family friends and nurses. The other week I went to the Macmillan coffee morning at JP.It was good to put faces to those nurses I'd spoken to over the weeks,also meeting others suffering from Cancer.It wasn't a sad day .Light hearted,leg pulling and a up lifting morning.
  3. Perhaps better then dog medicine. Cos then you would be feeling rough.
  4. Ray have you been drinking that funny falling down water again ?
  5. Are we all happy now.All safe boat recovered.Now can we put this to bed and move on please.
  6. We as a nation can and do show our respects,sadness and grieve with dignity. That was shown not only today but every day since her passing. What we need to do now is bottle that spirit and give to those in need.The world would be a better place.
  7. Our cats have small and large fish(not real ones).This morning Jojo was playing with them. Then Macey did a hop skip and a jump,which frightened the life out of Jojo.Marina and I thought it was very funny.
  8. The Queen is almost home in Windsor. A truly moving and unforgettable day.As others have said,all thr armed forces have done the country proud.The Queen served the country,the commonwealth and indeed the world well.And today the country and beyond paid tribute to the her. RIP Ma'am 🙏.
  9. I have to say,unlike you I like my TV.We also will watch events today.
  10. I think Vaughan has explained the situation well.The main thing is all are safe.Does it matter when the boat returns to the fleet.Surly the main thing is work is carried out correctly,which I'm sure they will do.
  11. There is a second queue for those less able.
  12. Shown just now and a few times during the day.David Beckham joining the queue and waiting 12 hours to pay he's respects to the Queen.Nice to see.I've noticed there has been a lack of bowing and curtsying by some officials,meeting the King.Today in Wales there was only one woman who did so.
  13. It's about a ten minute walk.Considering my COPD can give me a bad time,it was fine.Sorry no tab.They don't do tabs only cards or cash up front.
  14. Another photo. We walked to the cross keys,a nice pint of wild Norfolk,brewed near by and a light lunch. Very nice.A good day
  15. We're on the boat for a few hours.Made our way to Dilham.First time in over 10 years.One other boat moored here. A few photos. Our new upholstery with cushions of us and SK and LK.
  16. So far All concerned have carried out there duty with great dignity and respect.The public in all corners of the country too have shown that respect and indeed love for the Queen. As a nation we can unite in times of sadness and hurt.
  17. You've quoted me,without text.What do you mean?
  18. Someone left amongst All the flowers a Marmalade sandwich. With the words for later.
  19. Sadly I never met the Queen,I was part of a team that cooked for her and most members of the Royal family.Always very long tiring days, but a lifetime of memories .
  20. Very nice to see the New Prince and Princess of Wales and Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Together walking and taking to the crowd at Windsor.
  21. I also think with the help of his close family he will be a good King.And wish him well.
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