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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. True,but sadly some pubs on the river only seem to do a good trade in the summer.The Yare always seemed to be busy.So to is the Whitehorse Chegrave, The ferry house,Surlingham. Not a pub,but Bridgestores Potter is busy all year.
  2. The pub always had a good trade over the winter.Do agree , think pub moorings would help.
  3. Today we went to Norwich. Its Marina's birthday soon.As well as some presents 🎁. I got new pillows.My old ones are long past there sell past date.Also a very nice wooden wind charm.We had lunch at waggi.
  4. You can more on any part of the broads, North and south. The rise and fall of tides is more notable on the south.
  5. Who said us Brits can't throw a party? A great evening of music,dance community and entertainment 👌. The Queen was of course the star of the show, Paddington 3,with a role for the Queen perhaps.
  6. Sime years back we left New Inn Horning following on from the boat show.Got to Loddon just before 9.00.pm.
  7. The fly past,like the whole event done properly. When we as a country do things we do so with pride and grace.
  8. Of course no one wants to go south. STAY north.
  9. She is the Rock that we all stand on. Not only a Queen but a Lady in every sense.
  10. So what is your budget? That of course is your starting point.
  11. Think as Vaughan said look for a plot.Certainty not petrol.Go for as he said something about 37 plus.I would suggest check weather in the winter.The broads are in my opinion lovely all year,but can be very cold in the winter.
  12. The hills are alive. When I was on the BOV/IMB at Belmarsh there was talk he was going to be a Inmate there to serve he's time.
  13. Very true 👍. When young in the 80s/90s.We would cat h the sun all day,holidays on the med.Sunscreen no,just coconut oil.Frying in the sun.Always best to take care.juse lots of sunscreen and no more frying for me anymore.
  14. Sorry to say.Had bad service there some years back.So wouldn't return.
  15. Should say take the moorings cost off meals.
  16. Good for the price of some of these boats.You can have a really good holiday abroad. As for moorings. I won't be going back to the New Inn in a hurry.We used to moor there all the time when Mark was there.Often spending over £100 a time.The food was always good.To be honest if I did go back now,I wouldn't eat there would go elsewhere. Think most pubs that do charge,will take the cost of meals,which is fair enough.
  17. Yes saw a moorhen the other day in Stalham.Not seen as many coots lately. Lots of ducks and swans.
  18. Today we visited the boat,mainly to put odds and sods on the boat.Little bit of cleaning. First problem how to turn on the water.Phoned Richardsons, switch on the water pump.What seemed odd even when we stopped filling the sink.The pump kept working. Not had that on SK.For the time being just do bits at the moorings.Few weeks time when Marina's hand is okay, we're take the boat out
  19. One of the joys of boating,the smell of bacon early morning. Lovely.
  20. With any surgery there's often a trade off.The Doctor will talk though the op and the way forward after surgery. Is the op for you Andrew?
  21. If you add feta cheese then it's Greek salad.
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