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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Very nice evening, thanks to Marina. Can recommend the Swan.Think only had a drink in there in the past. May take Marina out for lunch on Mummy's day.Thinking of the Lion at Thurne, or the Lion at Somerton.
  2. Today is my birthday most of the day in the garden.We're getting there.Now in the Swan at Horning for dinner. Thanks to Marina. Some photos.
  3. Fuel duty just be cut by 5p.
  4. Food wise they need to improve the menu.At present nothing to write home about.
  5. Yesterday they said on the news,that fuel ⛽ has stablelized. So hopefully it want go any higher.
  6. When the season finished, I may ask Mercedes for a Wheel.Would make a good coffee table.
  7. I agree,hopefully Lewis will get he's eight.For a time I thought the little boy in the red bull wo win.Very pleased for Ferrari, they very much deserved the win.
  8. I understand, for many years ,I served the community, and had very little sleep 😴
  9. Sadly it's not always a friendly forum. Seems my post was not suitable for this forum. I just want long standing members to stay and not feel they don't want to remain. No doubt this will be removed.
  10. Phone Brain Wards at Brundall. Don't forget as a member you will get a discount .
  11. Don't think so.Lets hope it is a good season.
  12. Mentioned on BBC breakfast. P&O cruises are not the same as the ferry's. The company split into separate bodies a few years back.
  13. Chris you know you post appears twice,perhaps mods can combine into one?
  14. Saw it at Potter,Wednesday morning. Didn't see any Admiral about though 😕.
  15. True,but very unfair all the same.I Hope that those sacked find work elsewhere,with a decent employer.
  16. Very sad for those that were made redundant.
  17. Think I've only been to IKEA twice, each time took me about a week to find my way out
  18. Went out of business. No longer trading.
  19. Shetland went out of business about 4 or 5 years ago.
  20. Our first Shetland 4+2 brought at the London boat show 2009 with all mod cons cost us 28k.
  21. Have you not tried.NYA,NBS,Boatshed Norfolk. To name but a few?
  22. Hopefully it will pass soon. Our car had a layer of sand Fairly quickly.
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