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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Peter we don't all have big old boats in Brundall.
  2. Thanks Alan.Still in a lot of pain.I am going to hospital tommow see if they can do anything for me.For sure the pain killers don't seem to be working.Sadly we won't be on the boat next weekend.Hope to get up in November.Paul that's funny Ian
  3. Just watched Britain Afloat, on BBC1.On the London addition it was about Thames barges.Very good and interesting. Some years back,thanks to Alan, Marina and I had two weekends on Centaur.The first out of Maldon the second from Ipswich. The accommodation is a bit basic to say the least.We paid a little extra to have our own cabin.Theres a skipper and two mates.You all share the work.from pulling up the sails,Shown how to helm. And feed the crew.Guess who did Saturday dinner.A great way to spend a weekend. Ian
  4. I know what you mean,but any time we visit Wroxham you see lots of people watching the bridge.Waiting for mishaps
  5. Went to the hospital,they said I need an appointment. Which will not be unroll the eighth of October. Happy days not.Sadly we won't be on the boat that weekend
  6. Paul we are due to come up Friday not sure yet have trouble holding a cup let alone a boat Thanks Ian
  7. Very true Robin.As a group we often disagree but we don't take things to heart. It's true I to am on other broads groups sometimes some of the things said are very hurtful. Long live NVM Ian
  8. Yesterday I fell over on what appeared to be a new pavement. Tock myself to hospital following xrays.Two small breaks in each arm.Because I was out of my catchment area.I need to go to my local fracture clinic. Now I can't make this up.I had attended a Managing Health and safety course.At least I passed that Ian
  9. Steveduk,tell us a little about yourself please. Ian
  10. Many pubs restaurants have wi fits to many hire companies
  11. Yes a lovely weekend,sadly we weren't on the boat.Trouble is today I have got someone to clear the gutters and the chimney sweept. At present light rain
  12. Perhaps up market.Would be great as a picnic boat,Smoked salmon sandwiches,cucumber sandwiches. Strawberries and cream washed down with Pinks.
  13. I don't have a problem paying for moorings,most of the time we moor at BA 24 hours moorings, pub moorings(free or money back on food),YS Norwich,Oulton or Beecles.For me to pay 5 pound plus without water or electricity I will often go elsewhere.
  14. Wow what a list of places.Question have you ever gone to the wrong house by mistake . Ian
  15. Early days but all in all a good start.Think she will do well.
  16. I think one thing for sure.It doesn't matter where we are from.We all share our love of the broads.Keeeeep booooating.Sorry wrong thread
  17. You don't wear white high hills then Grace ?
  18. If I at some time have a few spare bob,that's the kind of boat I would love.On days like this would be great. What a lovely boat Clive. Ian
  19. Norfolk broads network members I think is fair to say we are from all over the country .As for myself was born in London.Now living in Belvedere,Kent.Will retire to Norfolk.
  20. Did not notice if there is a day time fee.If it was a lower fee for a few hours,I may consider stopping for lunch.
  21. Its not,always tops the ratings.Often the least likely does well.For me it's great entertainment. Many such programmes seem false.AS a Chef some cooking programmes with celebrities appear false. Strictly is not like that.
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