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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. I agree with many I Feel this thread is taking a turn for the worse.Its not what I believe we are like.In the main we agree disagree.Offer advice and commit.Thats what makes us different. There have been many views on silverline. Fair enough if you have not had good treatment or holiday. By the same token many have praise for them Attacking others does not help.I would suggest those that dislike NBN try another forum Ian
  2. I don't understand the comment about Silverline and Colin.We hired from them about six or seven times the boats always clean and well maintained.Never a problem also the hand over very good.Now a boat owner moored at cove close to silver line,we see them all the time,Everyone at the yard is friendly.Colin does not always say a lot,but he will always mention anything to do we boating.Even now I have no fear about recommending Silverline,and will carry on doing so. We regards to Barnes I hope they maintain the fleet,I will wait and see Ian
  3. Does anybody know what will be on offer,once it's built?Any improvement to what's on offer will be good.We mainly go to the Thai when we visit.
  4. Well I agree with others.With so many yards reducing or closing this is welcome news.I wish you both good luck.I hope all goes well.
  5. Please for Iain bring in the new year raise a glass and say Slainte others say Shlainte which means your good health. May yer lumreek.There is a little bit of Scoth in me mainly single malt.In fact although born and bread in London some of my family came from Scotland my father from up north.Have a happy and safe new year
  6. I would like to wish you all a very happy new year.A thought all those who cause harm on others turn you thoughts to good.Lets hope next year is better then 2016.So many people taken from us.Indeed our own Iain.Sleep well old friend. Best wishes Ian
  7. Well done indeed,also for all those that did so well in the Olympics. Praise to those working hard in the community. For sure Iain loved his sport
  8. I like the idea of naming a boat after Iain.Perhaps our friends from the hire companies can give it some thought My idea is to make a Iain emoji.That way he will always be with us. Ian
  9. I think they have we may have the contact for them.Yes indeed it is a good view,still boats and water always good to see
  10. Today and tomorrow I am working at the Guardian.Looking out from the restaurant is the view attached. You can be forgiven for thinking it was not London. Yet the front of the building is just up from Kings cross station
  11. So sad as others have said.I am sorry I never met Iain.He was a wise old head,that I felt truly loved the broads.I will miss him.My thoughts go out to his family and friends. RIP Iain.I to would like to send flowers or something
  12. Merry Christmas and a peaceful and happy new year to you all.I hope Santa is good to you.Dont forget the mince pies and carrots.No whiskey or sherry because Santa will be wrecked. Best wishes ian
  13. So to go on record keeping it's simple a chef will label it date it and use by date then placed in the fridge.Its not rocket science. All caterers now are trained how to follow simple record.It does not matter how chefs are working and when food safety MUST be traced from door to plate.Dont confuse five star with scores on the doors.The first is a review of food the second is food safety.Indeed some highly regarded restaurants have only got 3 or less scores on the doors.And yes in the old days there was little or no inspections.We also had rickets,the black death. Many other nasties thankfully most places have improved but there's still a long way to go
  14. That's what food is all about if you enjoy it go for it.This boxing day we are going up to check on the boat.Then stop off for lunch in one of our favourite pubs.Tuesday we will have honey roast gammon mash perhaps braised red cabbage. Tomorrow not turkey but fillet beef.Whatever you have,enjoy it and merry Christmas Ian
  15. It's been said by many it's great.I agree next time please add the persons name and where it was taken,and I would encourage people to submit seasonal photos. That said well done to all concerned.
  16. Two out of three are easy to manage.Food safety is a must and costs next to nothing to gain and maintain.Also the management,this is record keeping.The one that costs is the fabric of the building.However if the state of the building needs works,but the other two are good you should get a four starMy advice to any one that gets a poor score is to talk to them for advice,they will give you pointers how to improve and do so as soon as possible.
  17. I have said many times the scores are marked in the same for everyone.The way food is stored cooked and served,the management record keeping this refers to temp records.For example from when the food arrives to fridges prepared cooked and served.So if I wish to see when a piece of chicken arrives can I truce it along the way until it's served.If not you will be marked down. I believe where restaurants cafes pub etc get such a low Mark this is how it happens.And the third score is the fabric of the building.I would be surprised if there still trading.If you get a zero you MUST make improvements before you can do so.As I have said before it is not to hard to get at least a four stars.The scores on the doors is for customers to see.I would like it to be a legal requirement to display. My company along with others have outside independent inspectors who check each unit and mark us .Believe me they don't hold back.
  18. The King's arms South Walsham,has only a zero re scores on the doors.When are these people going to get there act together. Won't be going there until scores improve
  19. All in all I think most of them are clueless but the idea she has is a good one.As someone in catering I think it will work.She needs to get into the coffee shop market.This is very big at present and up market shops and cafes.Lets see what happens
  20. Sorry but I always look forward to strictly. It's good Saturday night entertainment. Already I am missing it.If you don't like it turns it off,but almost 15 million people watched it.So they must of got something right
  21. ORE wow he can dance never danced before but what a star.Going back all that rubbish about race,being fixed etc.As I said before.The best nearly all ways win
  22. Oh dear where did it go wrong carrots in curry.
  23. I can't believe he's picked the bloke for the final
  24. The winner will be picked next week.
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