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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. I have said many times on here that I will never go to the ferry again.That will change if it changes hands.The food safety improves and is well run
  2. The decider tonight when sugar picks the tea or coffee lady (there is one bloke)but it won't be him.
  3. So sorry to hear your sad news.I am sure she had a good life
  4. Perhaps there an idea Grace.With snippets from others.For example story's of the broads
  5. Alan do you use marrow fat peas or like some of my Chefy friends and use peas with mint then blended? ian
  6. A few ideas for Christmas food,also good at any time also for the boat: Instead of cold Turkey on boxing day try this. Confit duck leg Duck legs a few sprigs of rosemary,bay leaf,a few cloves of garlic white pepper corns. In a container season legs with sea salt garlic and herbs leave in the fridge overnight.Next day brush off salt but retain the herbs and garlic.Place duck herbs and garlic in a oven dish cover with oil.Seal with foil and cook about 160/170c for about an hour.Check if the meat is soft take out of the oven,if not cook a little longer.take the legs out of the oil allow to cool,then into the fridge.When you want to serve place on a baking sheet brown in the oven .Serve with veg and potatoes of your choise.The duck can be cooked on Christmas eve and finished on boxing day. If you have turkey left try a large vol au vent(very 70s).Dice meat, sweat one large onion add sliced mushrooms,add a little white wine.Add some double cream reduce slightly add meat Finnish with chopped parsley and a little butter. For the Vol au vent use a round cutter making sure the inner round is smaller thus when cooked it will form a lid.If you prefer cut two squares,egg wash cook until brown.Again serve with spuds and veggies you like.Add Prawn cocktail and Black forrest gateau. What ever you do for food have a great time christmas and new year
  7. Sorry my locals are on the broads. Pubs are rubbish where I life and the broads are a two hour trip
  8. As Andy sad very sorry to see more boats go
  9. Ed Balls is out of strictly (at long last)no more dad dancing.He was a good sport and oddly he did get better. Now he needs to sort out Norwich fc
  10. They are still known as Swancraft, but no longer hire.They still are building boats and have moorings
  11. Chameleon is correct I Believe. I think they will sell as one lot or boats on there own.Which ever they can do.The site is large and last time we went past (early October)the grass had been cut. My hope is that the site is sold soon and developed as a going concern.
  12. IT IS NOT a National park they keep up this idea I believe in the hope that it will be one.What they need to do is improve the broads for every one that uses it and drop this silly idea that it is a National park
  13. Paul We would if we were 10 or 15 years younger.I stand by what I have said you are correct get the access right and it will fall into place.The problem being the longer it lays empty the bigger the problem.
  14. I have said many times it can be done but not just as a pub.You need to have for example a B&B or tents,water taxi to bring people in.Get an agreement with the farmers regarding access.I do hope someone with big pockets and a steady nerve will make a go of it.
  15. We popped up to Brundall to day,to see the boat the first time she has come out of the water since we got her in 2013.Shes not to bad ,not sure about the boat next step to us.Satan soul.Theres also a boat out of the water them some of you my know.Then guick trips to Potter and Wroxham. Lunch at Woodfordes. Sadly only a quick visit but very nice day. Here's some pics St Trop or Brundall?
  16. One set of your yoyos only managed to sell £188 Sugar got rid of two.
  17. The Apprentice Thursday 17/11/16 at 9.00 pm.Give it a look they will be at the Poole boat show.Will be interesting to see what mistakes they make,lots I would guess. Some years ago there task was one team to make and sale 300 portions of pasta.The other 300 pizza's. They were using my old kitchen. Luckily I had left by the time they were making pizza. The very clever (donuts).Worked out they would need 300 pound (in weight).The chef pointing out that was one pound per pizza perhaps to much.When they went to the board room Sugar ripped them to bits The working thing is they could be in charge of a business. God help us.
  18. Glad it's all working out well Eric.Now. Never know we may see you on the broads one day
  19. Sadly where I was working it was unclear.They sounded the fire alarm to start the 2 mins silence. Some people did not realise and kept taking.Well done to England and Scotland for wearing the poppy. Often the face of football is to say the least to much money and out of touch .FIFA take note
  20. That's reminds me of the story the chap who delivered our first boat.He attached the ropes and mud weight.He told us he delivered a boat to one of the greak islands,he did the same with there boat.The owner without thinking throw the MW over the side not realizing it was not attached.By then the boat was off shore. Can you get it for me he said?
  21. I thought the lease had about 4 to 6 months left.What ever I hope it stays as pub and someone can make a success of it ,and I agree aim at locals as well as holiday makers
  22. Mr Bluesky A few questions,do you have a boat if so where do you moor.Where do you live.Anyway as I said welcome to the forum.Look forward to hearing more from you Ian
  23. Let's hope it is good news.I for one am not a fan of the WRC.The food however in the pub is good.When you pay to moor that's okay,but to be charged for water I think is wrong. Then if you want a pump out,you have to do it yourself. Back to the Lion.Think it will take deep pockets.All in all I hope that no pubs on the broads stay as pubs not turned into something else
  24. I agree Potter needs a pub or restaurant.If the bridge was lit up it would help
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