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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. The new inn Horning pay at the bar. £5.00 overnight in think
  2. We went there recently. We only had coffee.As for the cakes I think I got.fat just looking at them.I agree the staff are very nice.We try the food hopefully next time What we saw looked very good
  3. I am pleased to say we raised over £500,on Saturday and over £1700 in total.
  4. I still think if you are close to the moorings,using a mud weight. You are stopping someone who wants to tie up and pay.At the very least I feel it's wrong. Why not ask the same question to BA and see what they say.I agree with Alan if I saw someone doing this I would report them.
  5. I agree with the last two posts.Icant see the point of mud weighting close to the moorings. Would you hope to jump off? Thus close enough but not moored to posts.As others said in doing so you prevent others foment mooring
  6. Have to say I did that recently. Have to say that was the first time. Have seen many times,the person at the wheel trying to moor on there own.Thats okay however rope in hand the boat still going forward jump off and try to stop the boat.Then the crew appear.Captain jumps back on the boat crew jump off to moor.Why not get the crew to stand by in the first place?
  7. The Waverley not Wakerley silly phone
  8. When I Got off the ferry the Wakerley went past not nice weather. So years back we did the trip a great day out.If ever you get the chance have a trip aboard
  9. We had a good time on the ferry,not sure how much we collected,but lots of cash Yesterday they collected about £800. So far in total this year we have collected over 9 thousand pounds at our local branch. Gracie when we first met I took Marina on a cruise on the Woolwich Ferry and got her a bottle of pop
  10. I have seen people use the thing in the middle of the river.All you need to do is steer.There are times I could do with one.Most times its fine using gears,steering and a little power
  11. On my way to the ferry we are collecting on the boat.I always enjoy doing this and mostly we get a good response from people Ian
  12. It's seems that way whatever the reason so sad that it happened. For me crossing that point will remind of this
  13. Sorry to hear you are selling lady.p.As Alan said I am sure you will get another boat
  14. Stuart yes there are vents for me it was not hot still a life time in kitchens helps.I was told and shown how to use the hanky. It was a great feeling will have another go. Next up thanks to Alan fixed wing on the 15th next month We try not to get the flying bug! Ian(tally ho)
  15. It was early morning we were in bed no traffic. All the yo-yo you had to do was put it in neutral and they would have slowly gone forward
  16. As a certain Alan said,heres Dad.Yes we have a Alpha 29.She started life in 1991.she can get a little bit stroppy sometimes,but she is a good boat.Inside a bit like the tardis.At times I wish she had a bit more power,can be interesting if we have to fight the tide.Overall A very good boat. EnJoy your Alpha. Here for you and Gracie is Sweet Kingfisher.
  17. Our boat is far from new,but for sure if a boat is approaching and you get the feeling I will offer help and advice. The last thing I want is damage to our boat.On two occasions at Horning we have had damage down.A boat was coming in to moor and grazed the front Another time a boat left the moorings quickly and pulled off one of our fenders.Yes we all need to learn,sadly some people dont
  18. Very sad news.Clearly no details yet,my thoughts also go to the family and friends
  19. Recently on holiday I asked two boaters if the knew where there sea Cocks were.Whats that they said.Also I think many don't do engine checks.Yes indeed boating is not a contact sport. Sadly some think it is.
  20. Its also Brundall , I agree with others you must report problems when they happen.Norwich is fine we tend to stay there up to Thursday,never friday or saturday.
  21. It seems to me you had more then your fair share of problems. We were moored next to a boat the other week at Loddon. They had a number of problems The electric loo was not working plus a few other problems. Now our boat is 20 plus years old.She does play up now and again but she behaved for our hols
  22. Last year we used the services at freedom. Pump out and water.Very good to.I do understand Andy you and many other's need a life.Brooms who are closet to us have limited opening in the winter.For us it should not be to bad.The boat is coming out of the water next month. But if you carry on boating December and January it can be a problem weekends.Glad you are carrying on Andy. Ian
  23. Not sure where your going with this smelly book.Are you suggesting that as a boat owner I should pay for moorings and others not?Well I think I pay my way now.Aside from the running costs.There are tolls ,insurance ,fuel etc. There are a shortage of moorings.So what you may say.Pubs shops restaurants,local attractions depend often on boaters for there trade.I have been visiting the broads since the sixties.It is true the number of hire boats have gone down and private ownership has gone up.I don't mind paying for some moorings,but there has to be a mix of moorings free and charged. It's seems some moorings that were ba 24 hour moorings have been taken back by land owners. I would suggest that all concerned get round the table and sort out the mess. And by the way boat owners come in all shapes and sizes,most of us are average not millionaires Ian
  24. Thanks to Nicola I went gliding this morning.It was my first time may not be my last.Really was great the instructor let me have a go,she said I did a very good turn. A couple of pics. The glider was borrowed from Norfolk. It's a bit haze in the distance is the coast. If you have not done it give it a go. Ian
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