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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Chicken fillet(skinless and boneless)about 5/6 oz Large white or red onion two red peppers large clove of garlic small tin of chopped tomato smoked paprika chorizo chicken stock Slice onion and peppers,slice chicken about as thick as your thumb. using a fry pan cover the bottom with light olive oil,don't use extra virgin,save that for dressing or salads.Get the pan very hot brown off the chicken,season with salt and pepper,once brown set aside,repeat with the onions and peppers.Teen add tomatoes and paprika adding chicken onions and toms,cover with stock add some herbs:i.e. thyme a little rosemary,add a good size spoon of paprika.Bring to the boil,cover and cook slowly for about half an hour. Serve with rice,just cover rice of your choice with veg stock salt and pepper.Bake in the oven,if you don't have an oven just do in a sauce pan.If you want to push the boat out ( pun intended) add a pinch of saffron close to the end of cooking.Tip before you serve the rice adda little extra virgin olive oil and using a fork, lightly fork through the rice add a mixed leaf salad and crusty bread. enjoy ian
  2. We had bacon pudding this evening,with jersey royals.If you have not tried it please do so. recipe;diced one white onion,about the size of a small finger nail,one packet of lean bacon,smoked or unsmoked.sweat in a pan until soft.Placed aside. 6oz self raising flour 3oz suet salt and pepper The trick is not to handle the mix to much.I use a fork,adding slowly very cold water,not to much,just enough to form a soft ball.lightly flour the service,and roll out mix,saving a small piece for the lid,line a greased pudding basin,add onions and bacon top with the pastry lid.cover with tin foil,making a fold place in a pan or boiling water,for about one and half hours. If you are a veggie use veg suet,then dice red onion cook in the same way,adding grated strong cheddar and a little smoked cheese and chopped chives. For a sweet slice cooking apples adding a pear,sugar and a little powered coriander,mix together with a small piece of butter again cook for about one to one and a half hours. All of the above are good after a cold /windy day on the river. Ian
  3. I know how you feel having been broken into a home back in Feb,its not nice.hope they get done Ian
  4. Not long now before the show,this will be our third time vistiting the show.looking forward to this one.if you are there we will be at the new Inn.Come and pop along to see us,perhaps we can have a pint best wishes Ian
  5. Hi Terry welcome from me also to the forum,its so sad to see a bot in trouble,but good to see that she is afloat now. well done ian
  6. As Alan said it all went well,a bit worrying see the boat come off the lorry.All in all a good weekend.It could have been a little warmer,but at least no run.Perhaps one of the last times we were both on the river,was about ten years ago,Alan went back to seat exams in london,Dave was with his mum on a Marthams boat at Oulton waiting for us.which seemed a bit odd,we went in front only to view the broad covered in sails.Slowly we picked our way through,only one or two sail boats cliped us,which i think was good! Ian
  7. Hi everyone yes we got to wrc in the pub waiting for food good trip down sunny but a bit nippy lots of photos Ian
  8. Welcome captaindread,we saw your boat in Norwich,just after Christmas. Best wishes Ian
  9. I agree,when ever we can we shop at local shops.There is always something good to buy. Ian
  10. Don't worry Grace his steering can be a bit zig zag across the river. ian
  11. Hello Fred welcome from me.Where do you live? Ian
  12. I agree with the comments of others,paid or not it is perhaps time to go.The ys is in demind through the season,as Marina said we saw it being towed last October.Surely it must be ready to move soon,if not for sure it will be in the way soon. ian
  13. Just a few points,there are some signs,covered by reeds ,grass etc.That does not help.Last year we got though with about an inch.Bridge can be a problem we inexperienced boaters,with tides bridge nights,current etc.Hopefully the boat can be floated soon Ian
  14. Richie saddly lost his fight against skin cancer. A ture gentlemen loved by his county and indeed here.A well loved voice of cricket.He will be missed by fans of cricket everyone.
  15. What more can I add I have been on the broads since the 60s,it always changes and yet it does not,how can that be.Seasons change things,and yet it seems the people are great you can go into a pub and feel welcome.Sadly at home I don't feel that welcome.The broads has the affect of making you feel wanted. So Geoff and Wendy,when you feel right go south,let us know perhaps we can meet up. Ian
  16. sorry to see the boat stuck there I hope for all concerned she can be refloated . Ian
  17. Gracie if they are bored theres always work to be done on sk Iain you can't blame the first mate you are the skipper. It will be good to see the boys up in Norfolk,they are well thought of at Hoo(there home base)but I am sure they will feel at home on the broads. Ian
  18. Welcome misty the boat looks great,I am sure you will find the forum interesting,welcome also to you cygnet,look forward to hearing from both of you all the best Ian
  19. Even though we were not on the boat,its not been a bad Easter weather has been very good,as Marina said we have been working in the garden.Saw Alan and Dave on saturday,easter eggs handed over.Just few jobs left on the boat.We meet up with them saturday week in Norfolk.Hope this weather carrys on Ian
  20. Thats great Geoff&Wendy,but when you can go south there is a contrast to the north.Dont be put off by great yarmouth. give it a go Ian
  21. We are having lamb tomorrow not bunny the broads as above the changing seasons,cold peaceful days almost alone on the river,the people in all shapes and sizes.The sometimes annoying holiday makers who think they are the first pirates on the broads.They do make me laugh though. A nice cup of tea,coffee, beer or wine.A bacon sandwich on the move.Is does not matter how often we are on the river,it always is a pleasure.Only two weeks to our nest trip.Enyoy your lunch and Easter, better still if you are on the river Ian
  22. Hi Jen and Martian welcome to the forum we always pop in if we can moor there.Hope we can this year Best wishes Ian
  23. We saw a bittern a few years ago just out of Oulton Ian
  24. I must be missing something,surely if you own a Brooms you will get a pendant,if not why fly one? Ian
  25. Hi I should have said we saw Kingfisher last saturday. Ian
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