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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. I know the feeling.Sorry to hear this.If you can't get a response from your GP,can the hospital speak to your GP? Ian.
  2. For most of my adult life I've been using private dentists.We hoped to go NHS when we moved.It seems there's next to none.Theres a movement named toothless in Suffolk which has been protesting at present. They intend to do so nation wide.
  3. Thanks Ray,yes we were unaware there was a dentist there thanks.So where do you live ? I can send you a PM of my address if you wish.
  4. Marina and I registered at the Hemsby medical centre. Last week we filled out paper work and handed it over.Got log in details over the weekend. Done the app.I phoned this morning asking about my hospital care being transferred from London to here.About an hour later a Doctor phoned me.Will arrange for my care being transferred before I'm due to attend hospital next month. Very impressed, all very straightforward. A big thumbs up from me.
  5. I'm not a fan of Verstappen. Just think he often likes playing bumper cars.No doubt with Red Bull this season he has a very good car.Its true its not over until the big girl sings.Think Lewis will try at least one more World Championship. For the future Britain has some exciting drivers,and I think soon there could be a woman getting a seat.
  6. A nice single malt,no water,ice.Just a lovely malt.I said there's a little bit of Scotch in me,mainly single malt.
  7. Try telling that to the hire companies. Good luck.
  8. Remember when,people said you know when your getting old,when a Policeman looks young.Very true, now everyone looks young to me!
  9. He seemed ageless, which apparently was true,he never gave he's age away.A true all rounder,often the butt of jokes.Always entertaining. RIP Lionel.Now dancing with the Angels.
  10. Santa's got the best job going.Working one day a year.Mind you eating all those mince pies,will take almost a year to loose the weight!
  11. What you mean, Didn't you like the very tall figures singing non stop Christmas carols?
  12. We brought curtain rods,some shopping, lunch in Bridge stones.As always very nice.If we had more time on our hands.We would have popped along.Thankfully we got home before the rain.We now have curtains up.
  13. Are you at Potter just got back home did some shopping and lunch looks like the boat moored close to the bridge.
  14. Yesterday as well as the cooker. Saw an Electrian, today a handyman/gardener.Thursday and Sunday more handymen. Then towards midday, we went to Great Yarmouth .More house shopping, curtains, curtain rails, table and chairs, headboard for our bed.Sofabed for second bedroom. Not bad progress in our first week. Photo 📸 of our cooker.
  15. Thanks but I can't open the link.
  16. At last today our cooker comes.Plus the next few days builders to give us some quotes on work.We are slowly getting there,even the cats,seem to like Martham. Photo of Macie looking out onto a sunny morning.
  17. Yes came up on my phone a few days.All gone now.
  18. We've be coming to the broads for years,owning boats since 2009.We tend to use the boat from March to October. It's true, water shops pubs tend to be limited or closed,but is do able.The one to ask is Norfolk nog,who sadly doesn't post often now.He nearly always comes to the broads over winter and sings praises of winter boating.One thing for sure,the broads in winter are truly beautiful. So much so.We now are living in Norfolk .Speck to yards,take ther advice and enjoy.
  19. Enjoy your trip on the boat.Marina was in Wroxsham this morning shopping etc.I stayed in with the cats.
  20. I agree do not have a clue who the new owners are.
  21. Perhaps the new owners/management are making improvements!
  22. Pleased you got your flight at last. Tally ho !
  23. Lunch today at Bridge Stores.Fish and chips.Very nice. Potter very busy today.
  24. They've got two boats, the other one that was paged to me is the one used on the broads. The new boat is for sea use.
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