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Everything posted by FairTmiddlin

  1. Now Costa is something I know something about. It helped in the demise of Whitbread's pub business. Well that and dear old Maggie. It was bought as a wholesale coffee business from Sergio and Bruno Costa in 1995. As a way of getting cheap coffee for their pub and Beefeater restaurants. Then some bright spark who came and gave us a presentation, on the whole idea, said they were rebranding the coffee for use in the pubs with the Costa name. Basically Maggies intervention, gave them the much needed capital to grow the brand. Finally sold to Coca Cola in 2019, for a whopping £ 3.9bn and is now in 31 countries. That's where my job went to.
  2. Must admit have been using NFC and google pay on the phone, since this has started works further away from the terminal than a card. It also uses a spoof card number so no one can clone your card
  3. Sorry don't see that the management of the store, are not showing proper authority over their employees. Saying the guidelines only came out yesterday. Still gave the manager enough time to prepare a verbal briefing to the door staff. How the store runs is the managers remit no one else. Smacks of poor leadership to me. Possibly the six p's come to mind.
  4. Polly you could have shortened the middle of the slogan to, two letters and one letter.
  5. Or battery powered/ Solar LED
  6. Brings a new meaning to banging in nails though!
  7. Can you stop taking the P out of MM. Then again it may not hurt as much as the real thing
  8. C C. The police like it that way, at least they know where most of the town idiots are at any one time. Makes it easier to control with less officers.
  9. Yes but! Doing that would mean, when you move the model, you would have to move every iteration of it. Make for a very interesting evening
  10. Ian, I think this may be the norm in a lot of industries. Now that firms have found the ease that working from home for lots of their staff has been. I can foresee lots of one or two day weeks at the office rest of week WAH. The savings on travel for lots of workers would, quite often pay for the commodities used at home to run the office. Plus more quality time with the family and less stressed workers from the commute.
  11. Measured all the mudflats on Breydon and all the reedbeds on Horsey, possibly. And was Haddiscoe dam flooded?
  12. Cannot see the point! Not a golf course close.
  13. No the worst would be if it suddenly resurfaced.
  14. 08:30 start from Potter keeping to speed limits
  15. Just been on Herbie Woods Webcam looks like a busy day, even boats double moored on the river. Saw about 4 go out at ten this morning, so people starting really early.
  16. What you need is someone with a laser cutter Grendel Get the letters cut from chrome vinyl.
  17. It would float but your view from the windows may a bit Jaques Cousteau
  18. Diamond strapping i believe it was called used in places that had high winds stops the straw or reeds blowing off the roof. Yes My Great Uncle was a Suffolk thatcher
  19. Allowed at Ebridge mill, on the North Walsham and Dilham Canal.
  20. Haven't advocated that for years, just do chest compressions.
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