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Everything posted by FairTmiddlin

  1. Timbo My thoughts are with you at this very tough time. The only consolation you can have, is that you did your best for Dylan, all of his life. He in turn, did his best by you.
  2. Not quite the broads but S Norfolk October 2020 Very grainy due to low light
  3. Just search anywhere for studding (No you fool not that sort of stud)
  4. Possibly British Standard Whitworth or British standard Fine threads. increasingly hard to find nowadays. Even in the late sixties most new products were using UNF or UNC. Then it all went metric.
  5. Only if you unfold it. Unless you are a contortionist, then you may enjoy it
  6. Yeah Mate! Innit TOOO Close to Slough to be any good! Innitt
  7. A ships radio licence is for the craft itself not the person. A ships radio licence, call sign or MMSI stays with the boat not the person, it allows for travel in international waters. A ship personal marine licence is transferable to any craft, but, only covers UK territorial waters. The licence could be issued anywhere.
  8. Then Why in the Tory heartland of Berkshire also home to the queen, they are in tier 2. but Slough is in tier 3 from December 2nd. That's the one i find difficult to fathom.
  9. It was Hemsby Lifeboat inshore rescue craft Broads Marley Reg 9X The aluminium boat But the casualty was rescued before they could get there
  10. You need to keep your eye out for the set that spells WATT.
  11. Hopefully he comes out of Lockdown, not looking like the Fat Controller.
  12. My rule is to call it a ruler unless it's a tape
  13. You may insured. But you may get a fine if your journey is non essential https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/crime/number-of-second-lockdown-norfolk-fines-revealed-1-6927464?fbclid=IwAR1LCF0knfTbeXBJhbAo_ZzsVnrc7hkEyFjus5plKWHfNUZ2frT6UQXQM00
  14. I would be very afraid if Ellie started talking about Spotify.
  15. The oft quoted verse from a very evocative poem
  16. If looking for Sabatier knives be wary of of the differing makes. The original and best are still made in Thiers France. By the original family way back to 1813, these are marketed as K Sabatier There used to be twenty years ago many in Thiers marketing knives under the Sabatier (SABATIER) brand name the ones I remember were Mason, Deglon, K Sabatier, Leonys, Couzon. There are many more brands. All have fantastic shops in the town. If you ever get to Mid France, Clermont ferrand towards Lyon is Thiers (the cutlery capital of France).
  17. Just google You tube music. There are thousands of tracks, all approved by you tube.
  18. A good mate I worked with was getting married, So. A meeting of minds was arranged, Best man Chief Bridesmaid and all the other bridesmaids, best mates etc. Now the Bride had requested no confetti at the wedding, she just hated the stuff. Now one of the bridesmaids just happened to work as a punch card operator (this dates it). So a plan was hatched. I was to drive his pride and joy a modified 1500GT engined Ford Prefect 100E. The heater blower we wired to come on with the ignition. All I had to do was flick a secret switch when I parked it, large bag of chads was already dumped through the inlet to the heater. You can guess the outcome when he turned on the ignition upon leaving the reception. Big problem was it took him literally 2 years to get rid of all the chads from the car as they went everywhere. It also seems the hotel they checked into for the honeymoon night was not too enamoured with them, all over the hallways, dining room and the bedroom.
  19. If you go back over the history of the thread, it has been used for all things boating (not sure if it was meant to be). From wiper blade ID, Diesel additives to Portable heaters, so I think this one fits.
  20. That is his next Mission Impossible. Should he wish to take the task.
  21. You do not need to be qualified to do PAT you just need to be a competent person. I could do it as a time qualified Mech and Elec engineer. "No specific qualifications are required, the regulations only require the testing to be done by a competent person. The definition of a competent person in the regulations is - "A person possessing sufficient technical knowledge or experience to be capable of ensuring that injury is prevented". But I expect insurance would say different.
  22. These two of Gorleston-on sea beach may answer some f your questions of where it goes to. Even the first one has more than usual. It was usually a lot further back on the breakwater. Now it is level with and line extends from a straight line off the end of it.
  23. Just heard that the Locks has been removed from auction as a sale has been agreed to the local enterprise company. Who submitted an offer of £405.000 which was accepted.
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