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Everything posted by grendel

  1. just avoid airport security machines and large magnets
  2. however the downside of heating with electricity on board is the amount of battery power required, presumably lithium batteries, which are neither cheap or particularly green in their own right.
  3. but does the national park there have the prime responsibility to maintain the navigation, i feel not.
  4. its not just the luton carpark fire, there were all those car carrier fires that now seem to have disappeared off the radar, but they were such that several car carriers refused to carry EV's, and just try getting a cross channel ferry with an ev nowadays, you have to jump through hoops to get aboard. eg dfds wont allow damaged EV's aboard. one norwegian ferry company has put a blanket ban on ev's.
  5. Having been a party to an unintended ballasting event last year, I have to say that 4" of water in the front cabin is no fun thing to clean up after. And that your Hull design may well mean that only one end of the boat sits further in the water.
  6. Rest in peace Ian, you have moved on to a place where no suffering exists.
  7. no, just to access my back garden from the road, the path is technically not even on their property, but a previous owner took the fence down and no amount of telling the new owner will get him to reinstate it (as he sees that it gives him a bigger garden, so at least once a year I use the access to ensure I can say its in constant use and to stop him saying its unused and fencing it in (the council actually owns the path).
  8. yesterday I spent an hour from 3pm to 4pm (after I finished work) clearing space, and getting the wall plate up on the side of the conservatory, today the hour was spent getting 12 8' x 4' sheets of OSB round from the front of the house to the back (and also exercising my right of passage across the bottom of my neighbours garden while doing so) tomorrow I may get the front wall done and get the first roof beams in place (weather permitting) the biggest two reasons for slow progress are that I only get 1 hour of decent light after I finish work and that its only just above freezing at the moment out there.
  9. arent Haribo diuretics, if so that will aid in the extraction process.
  10. for me the most damning part is that the CEO of the Broads Authority had the temerity not once but twice to try and get them to retract/ reconsider their stated opinion, as it must have taken them some time to carefully consider their stand to have posted such in the first instance. most people instead of trying to get them to reconsider would have taken time to consider why they posted such in the first place and consider what they were doing that caused it- it just goes to show the audacity of the Broads Authorities guiding power.
  11. often its a little pack of Parma violets
  12. yes that sort of a communication endears me to a company and they get my favour (as do the companies that place a small pack of sweets in with the item I ordered.) its down to individuality in the customer service, rather than just the standard response.
  13. names often elude me, as do the context but I recognise the faces, One Bonfire night I was quietly minding my own business when this girl dressed as a biker came up to me and started a conversation, I knew that I recognised her, but not from where, and managed to hold a good 10 minutes conversation with her, without needing to say a name, or any other faux pa's then my sister wanders up and blurts out, so who is this then? ( I suppose at the time seeing me chatting with a girl would have been considered unusual by my sister with me being the shy retiring type) at which point the biker girl comes back with, I am your cousin Deidre. boy was my sister embarrassed, yet I had managed 10 minutes and got away with it.
  14. I can remember last year seeing a hirer lifting the mud weight with a big gob of mud on the bottom, I yelled across - you might want to clean that before you put it on deck, splot, too late. I too have been there - done that
  15. I still remember my first trial run at Marthams (a good few years back) I was asked had I hired a boat before (yes once) and did I have any experience- well I had helmed Broad Ambition once too, at which point they showed me how to start the engine, stepped off and pushed me off the quay heading and said- we will meet you at the bridge- so you could say the trial run was them watching from the bridge while you came downriver, and how you handled the mooring while they came aboard.
  16. ah, but unless there is a breach of the bylaws hire yards should not be giving out hirers contact details as that would be a breach of GDPR. unless the broads authority made the hire companies responsible for issuing the surveys.
  17. of course it is quite possible that the person that was asked did not get a trial run, most yards now will just take the skipper of the boat out on the trial run while the rest of the crew remain ashore (probably they will quote covid regulations as a reason for this) so if the crew member questioned is not the skipper they may well say they didnt get a trial run, most yards are insisting on the trial run, no opt out, Barnes certainly did last october, despite many of the skippers and crew having way more experience than those showing them how to do it (we had 3 fully experienced skippers just aboard Broad Ambition)
  18. I reckon Water Rail could just squeeze under at that.- well maybe a couple extra inches to be on the safe side, but she only needs 5'11" at the highest point under wroxham, and I believe the gauge is set for the height at a certain width.
  19. I would have thought that to be complete the survey by the rangers should have included private boaters.
  20. a friend of mine used one in his office chairs as it was a lot easier than heating his whole office space, he did a modification to run it from a mains adaptor (12V 5A output) I also made one for my daughter, for her office chair when she works from home.
  21. I was shown a trick, using the car seat heaters you can get really cheap, and that is that you dont need to heat the room if you heat the person, so put down your pad heater, plug it into 12v and sit on it, this makes you warm, and they only draw about 60W or so. heres one you can get from b&q for just £15 and only draws 45W https://www.diy.com/departments/luxury-heated-car-seat-cushion-heater-aftermarket-universal-fit-12v-cold-winter/5060497645103_BQ.prd?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA7t6sBhAiEiwAsaieYmRk0HIVAJpW33--70WkDfKPeDCPa1OVwJg3SBG6Hfy03G-NiB73jhoCTDQQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  22. we have 2 500W ceramic fan heaters on Water rail, that can just plug into a socket directly, they are tiny, but do heat the space quite quickly (its not a big space though.)
  23. at the moment I am using both to heat the house, a small 650W ceramic fan heater and a 500W oil filled radiator downstairs, the fan heater has a thermostat that is set to 19 deg C and comes on a few times an hour, the oil filled radiator also has a thermostat, but seems to be on longer (so the thermostat may be set slightly higher, either way between the 2 of them they are keeping my house warm, upstairs i have a 1500W oil filled radiator, set on the 500W setting at 20 degrees, and that is keeping upstairs nice and warm, this cuts in and out around every 10 minutes.
  24. well the timber has arrived and been dropped off at the front of the house, later I need to move it to the back garden, then it looks like this weekend will see the start of building the new 'shed'. the driver assisted with the unloading, and my neighbour stood at his front door and gawped at the timber arriving (he is very good at gawping as he was hanging out of the window gawping as i removed the remains of the old gazebo.)
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