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Everything posted by grendel

  1. finally the cushions are done and installed on the cockpit seating
  2. I too use one of those on an o2 PAYG sim, its a 12Gb sim that lasts for a year and isnt that cheap (but work would pay for it?)not found anywhere yet I dont have a signal, I too leave mine plugged into the USB with the unit as high as it will reach (usually hanging over the curtain rail.
  3. I was informed yesterday that we now had a new hybrid working policy, we were allocated a number of days we could work from home based upon our roles and ability to work from home and remain productive, up to 3 days per week allowance they said, well everyone I know was allocated 1 day, to get all 3 days it has to be authorised by your manager. so as someone who the government decided was extremely vulnerable 1 week before the end of the period extremely vulnerable were supposed to remain isolated, and i have had the double jab, I am expected to go back into the office and mingle with my colleagues, most of whom have as yet not had a jab or have only a single jab (some only left university this year), the policy is effective as per next monday, but my manager is on holiday until that date, so we have been advised not to go in, until we have spoken with him, let us see what they will require of me after Monday, personally I think it will take a minor miracle for them to get me much more than 2 days a month, and if they get that they should consider themselves fortunate.
  4. I have the battery Thanks, its similar capacity, but at 11.1V
  5. Slowly getting there with the cushions
  6. if I can punch the Breydon tide on Water Rail with a 21hp engine, then it should be possible on the majority of boats, the biggest issue is getting to the mouth of the Bure early and trying to punch the outgoing tide there, you may easily go flat out and only be making 1mph or less against the current.
  7. nothing better than waking up the neighbouring boat with a waft of cooking sausages, bacon and eggs at 6am in the morning.
  8. at my old house we used to get an infestation of flying ants one day in the year, thousands of them, just from the bathroom, then next day, nothing and clear the rest of the year.
  9. Yes I found it out on board Jayne 2 from Marthams, i had problems from the start so was using the shower hose to flush the pan, I suppose it was down to the yard not remembering to open the sea cock, they were pretty busy when I picked her up, fitting other things like windows and toilet roll holders (she was relaunched just 2 hours before I arrived after a major refit (new cabin sides and top) and I was the first hire, they had rushed to get her ready for me to take to the wooden boat show at beccles.
  10. does it draw its water from the river, in which case is the through hull valve open and the inlet not blocked?
  11. thats simple, its then her boat, one way or another.
  12. I am sure that for anywhere set up to do everything using the QR code on your phone, then it will still be as much hassle as digging out the sign in sheet for track and trace, but hopefully it will do the necessary and provide verification I have been stabbed twice by the nurses. Still i would much rather have it checked and hopefully be safer having a meal out or a drink, than the alternative.
  13. thanks all I have now managed to order my letter, for anyone else struggling- its here- https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/covid-pass/get-your-covid-pass-letter/
  14. ah, I went to the .gov site, and that sent me down the route of getting the qr code which can expire, it did mention theat you could get a letter, but I couldnt see a route to get that linked.
  15. I see on the news that some places may require a covid pass to get into, for me I have found this rather frustration, as I dont have a phone that can access the NHS app, the pass is not available through the gp access, so I had to log into the nhs via the web page, this very kindly generated a QR code for me to flash from my mobile phone, I eventually found I could download it and print it out, but it only lasts 48 hours, so when I am on holiday, with no access to a printer, does this mean I will have to lug my laptop into a venue, to prove I have the passport. I note if you are travelling abroad you can get one that lasts longer, but you have to provide additional information (i presume passport number- I dont have one). or you can go through a different route and request a letter (this just confirms you have had the vaccine, but does not expire. Am I wrong in this, but is the assumption being made that everyone has a smart mobile phone (useless to me as I cannot read the screen and the buttons are too small, I mean a keyboard has small buttons for my fingers, a phone.... forget it
  16. summer of 76 i was sitting O levels, we were allowed to take our ties and blazers off while we were sitting our exams, (in the school hall where one entire wall was glazed and in full sunshine) I can remember it being silly hot in there.
  17. there is plenty for both models, tonight I started on the first cushion, somehow I dont feel this is going to be as easy as it looks, first experiment, on a plywood backing, now I am wondering if I have enough space for a thin layer of foam as well, so this is experimental cushion #1, its lovely material
  18. or was it like the guy at work, when we were issued kevlar gloves to protect us while cutting foam board in the office, who put the glove on then proceeded to try and stab his hand with the stanley knife, very shortly followed by ow, the point went through.
  19. You forgot the instruction, always cut towards your mate didnt you.
  20. for an example of what can happen if the lighter socket extension is not correctly rated, I put this here -
  21. not with the wind that was blowing the day i tried turning there, we got a bow rope to the far shore, pulled the bow over, went forward to moor up as i was opposite the dyke, and as soon as the bow rope was put back aboard, the boat went side on to the wind again and the nose went back into the dyke (that was the afternoon after crossing Breydon when it was closed to hire boats due to the wind).
  22. was he big red and white post there then, that makes things very difficult now
  23. de silt those basins and you would have some nice moorings, dig them deep enough so the brundall Navy could base themselves below those pesky bridges and I think you could have quite a good little yard there. you would need haven bridge operational again though.
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