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Everything posted by grendel

  1. is it any wonder the Broads Authoritys own symbol is the dragon fly? horse flies feed off the blood of horses so.........
  2. yes, thats where i tried to turn, on a windy day, there is a big post with a bumper there, the bumper is fixed on and has a sticky out bolt head that doesnt do anything pretty to your hull, I struggled there with 26 foot, 45 foot would be impossible.
  3. if you want to drive out forward, then expect to go in backwards, you wont be turning 45 foot of boat anywhere down there, worst case walk it out on the lines and rope in the other boat owners to assist fending off. I struggled to turn in a 26 foot boat in may.
  4. I have seen an exploded fender that was melted due to blocking an adjacent crafts heater vent (or it may have been their own heater vent, anyway the fender melted through and went pop.
  5. Water Rail has 2 12V ockets, one in each cabin, I generally plug a 2 usb adaptor in the forward cabin for charging my phone nad tablet, and in the rear i run a 3 way splitter with USB, from which the laptop and the wifi dongle are plugged in, just make sure your socket is adequately fused and had adequately thick wiring for the current used.
  6. as water rail has no heating, in may this year it was quite cold (down to freezing some nights), I did purchase 2 500W heaters that just plug directly into a socket on board, one of these last easily overnight on a single electric card on shore power, but otherwise a good sleeping bag does the trick to stay warm (i did wear a hat though as that is an area you can lose heat).
  7. you might get lucky, .41 at repps is 6 ft, and its currently at .32 at low tide, so it might be possible.
  8. here you go FR, just for you a shot of the finished article
  9. or when the horn button is right next to the engine stop button- and the wrong one gets pressed.
  10. to be perfectly honest, when it comes to sport I would rather be watching varnish dry, I have far better things to be doing with my time than watching Sport. I have a TV on most of the time, and its tuned to Talking Pictures channel, I probably notice 1 in 10 programs shown, and sit and actively watch maybe 1 in 100. Instead of watching sport, the last few days has culminated in the motor installation on a 1919 south bend lathe, and turning the first chips, since this is an old overhead belt driven monster, the bracket required had to support about 40 lbs of countershaft and another 30lbs of motor. doing this whiled away hours of time, and it still needs the bracket welding for full strength. to me that is fun, rather than wasting time watching a set of overpaid showoffs kicking a pigs bladder around a field, I just donrt see the attraction to sport. now boats, they are fun too.
  11. they are not old, they are classical, and traditional.
  12. ah yes, the people raking in the money for the huge viewing figures, I suppse they care, but football and other sport , well thats something that would cause me to turn and walk the other way.
  13. and being wooden they are a lot snugger than fibreglass boats as the wood doesnt get cold to the touch,
  14. or perhaps on the performance of the actors performers players when faking a foul, who cares, they lost, the other side won - its only a game
  15. Andrew, I think you will fing the old thread title is misleading you here, they are just saying the format haas changed slightly recently
  16. well after doing some quick research, it seems 120W is about the best commercially available off the shelf, but I do see that one could be made, as I have found examples of dc-dc converters that can be parallelled together to ratings of 2.8kw (that would hammer your batteries I must say) so a 230W model should be possible to construct from commercially available components. that said the 120W one could be used to charge the laptop while switched off and boost the useable time even while switched on
  17. a good question, my laptop is only 90W so the 120W converter I use is plenty big enough
  18. Personally I have no issue with the hairy cousin from the Adams Family staying away from home should they so wish.
  19. I even use a 12V-19v DC-Dc converter for running a laptop when aboard, it basically cuts out the conversion to 240V AC all in the plug in part, works fine and hammers the battery less than an inverter.
  20. MM I think that a lot depends on the inverter, some will draw the same basic amount when in standby as when running (plus the load), others will have a standby mode where they drop to a low current until a signal tells them to fir up and get to work, its just a case of finding the specification that suits you best (or turning off the inverter when you are not using it.)
  21. the youtuber in question also has a similarly named channel that she has started that seems to be more dedicated to wildlife and flowers and the local villages, to be honest i prefer that to the actual boating channel showing others mistakes, its bad enough when you get yourself into a muddle without having it filmed and put out for ridicule, imagine the embarrasment of the boaters when they get home from their holiday and all their friends are laughing at a video taken of them in a moment of stress and panic when things just didnt go right. this is the reason behind some of the restrictions we place under the TOS we all mess it up on some occasions, even the best of us.
  22. its not always that bad, though there were some absolutely cringeworthy things happening, everything would have gone a lot smoother if people had stepped in and helped each other, there was a boat that decided to stern moor right next to the bridge as the gap was too short, but with a bit of assistance from other boaters everything would have run a lot smoother, the sailing vessel that literally pushed a dayboat off of the demasting point was clearly no communication between the person on the helm and the one on the bow. I will ask that nobody post the video here please as a lot of boats were clearly identifiable, and under the name and shame section of the TOS we would have to take the video down. generally the broads is more tranquil and peaceful than that, its just a timing issue, and the fact that a lot of bad seamanship was condensed into one short video, a bit like a weekly episode of youve been framed, where you know these things happen occasionally, but it looks a lot worse when condensed into a single video.
  23. has anyone else seen todays episode of narrowboat chef, which goes through the issue of dirty / water mixed diesel and cleaning the fuel, in my opinion the intermediate steps shown are all essential, a magnetic filter to remove metal particles, a 1 micron filter to remove diesel bug, and water filters to remove the water - they had 40 litres of water in their tank, turned out the real issue was plastic clogging the fuel line. I see ynsmon has beaten me to it
  24. I managed Dilham to Polkeys mill in a day, with a 2 hour stop at acle to await the tide, yes its a fair way, so make your choices based upon when you get away from stalham, leave yourself options. its probably 4 hours from stalham to stracey arms so see what time it is when you get to Acle (and whether there are any moorings free) and think, stracey arms is another hour, do you have enough time before sunset?
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