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Everything posted by grendel

  1. how do we know that eels are disappearing?
  2. enough arguing semantics, you can go fishing, Okay. enough said, thread now locked to avoid people (myself included) getting moderated and told off by the committee. and the rest of the moderation team.
  3. just think of all that exercise lugging all that fishing gear from the boot of the car to the river bank, and then almost immediately lugging it all back again just as they have got it set up(presuming of course the aforementioned limit of 1 hour) if they are really quick they may even get the fishing line wet {i am glad i dont do fishing}
  4. another day, another scam call, todays from HMRC, recorded voice telling me that unless i pressed 1 her majesties customs would take out a summons against me for fraud, dont press 1 as they will probably try and elicit money or account details from you. i have reported this to the HMRC via the relevant contact form on the .gov page to assist them with catching these scammers
  5. once again we are getting bogged down in the actual wording, the government guidelines are clearly laid out no matter which authority interpretation we quote. local travel only for exercise. I do trust that none of those anglers will be tempted to sit down while angling, as that would surely make it recreational :-)
  6. but the speed limits and their locations are not written into the law, so they are guidance, much the same as travel is permitted. so the guidelines say travel locally only for exercise.
  7. the law may not say, but the guidance is clear on that point, remember most traffic offences are prosecuted under the guidance not the law, the offence of speeding, the law doesnt set down the actual limits, its the guidance that does that, so if you are fined for speeding in a 30mph limit, that is set seperately to the law, which will just state travelling in excess of the speed limit in force,. travel other than locally is set in the guidance, so all the law has to say is authorised travel, they will look to the guidance when deciding whether to bring charges, i wouldnt want to try and argue contrary.
  8. buy them a magnetic fishing game, they will probably catch more too.
  9. the main problem is that if you relax the rules for one group, other groups will follow, and or people will follow the example and ignore the rules, all of which will just extend the duration of the lockdown while we get this under control. why people cannot accept the restrictions for a short term for the good of all is beyond me.
  10. A better picture here, used a better camera with a flash, excuse the utidy corner, its the one behind the treadmill so a general dumping ground, but thats where she chooses to observe my exercise.
  11. its all dependent on the vaccine they will be giving the pfizer one needs particular storage, so has to be administered at a central location, while the oxford one will be more able to be administered at gp's and home visits.
  12. well it turns out they have been offered the vaccine, but couldnt get to the location to get it, so are awaiting the one that the doctors will be able to administer, my mum doesnt want to get a taxi, and has trouble getting into and out of a normal car they tell me, the silly bit is that they only live a few hundred yards from the surgery, but thats too far for her to manage
  13. I will if they actually let me know, they are very independent.
  14. well today is my mothers 90th Birthday, and while she is able to get around at home, I think she would need transport to get to the drs for a jab, neither her nor my father have easy access locally to relatives with transport, I am over 30 minutes away and am probably the nearest with a car in the family, so the question comes down to do they risk a taxi ride to get the jab.
  15. not if you had seen the excuses why people thought they could still fish over on some facebook groups, citing fishing as recreational exercise, at least the angling trusts announcement makes it perfectly clear. I have a vision of anglers country wide sitting by their garden ponds like hordes of oversized gnomes fishing for the goldfish/
  16. its clear, leaving home for recreation is specifically mentioned in the government release as not allowed, exercise or essential only, angling is hardly exercise, so as such cannot be done. unless you are lucky enough to have the stream, pond or river on your property.
  17. i think i need to use an image stabilised camera.
  18. i just put it in google and run my eyes down the list geerated, no need to click when one result tells you the number originates from india.
  19. it turns out that taking a good photo of a cat while walking on a treadmill in a dimly lit room is nigh on impossible, here is my best attempt so far
  20. I will have to try and get some.
  21. i had that one supposedly from BT this morning, saying they were going to pull the plug, strange really as i have just taken out a new contract with BT as the previous had expired, upon checking out the number it seems as though the call originated in india. one previous one was a call saying they heard i had been involved in an accident, when i responded that this was incorrect i got put through to a real human who asked me what accident i had had, they quite politely got told that i had said this was incorrect and that i would be reporting the matter to offcom.
  22. How many pubs were you planning to be on that route, I can see it turning into the first 10 hour marathon race with rest stops at every watering hole.
  23. my day yesterday, first day back at work after the break, so it was a 4 hour teams meeting doing some stand down training, we had a group of consultants in and as a team, we knocked out the challenge they gave us in 6 1/2 minutes (15 minutes were allowed), halving the time they had had it completed in the past, and we puzzled them mightily by doing it almost silently, with people only speaking up when they had cracked a clue, we narrowed it down to 2 possibles, then asked the people who had been working on the last clue that would give us the first letter of their first name to just work on those 2 letters.
  24. As time passes more and more people I know have had this virus, to me there doesnt seem a lot of difference between tier 4 and this new lockdown, as in it wont change what I have been doing anyway. I will still need to go shopping once a week, I will still need to take my father shopping once a month for all the heavy shopping he cant normally carry home, other than that I wont be going out, same routine as I have been following since October then. I am lucky in as much as I have had 4 weeks on the broads last year, but those 4 weeks are the only time I have spent away from home since last March, add in one day in the office to pick up my new laptop, and thats it, the rest of the time has been spent at home. I dont even leave the house for exercise as I have a treadmill that I do my daily walks on (at least I dont meet up with anyone that way). though one of the cats does come up and keep me company while I use the treadmill, chatting away to me all the time I am using it.
  25. i am up to episode 12 already
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