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Everything posted by grendel

  1. when you consider linseed oil is just another vegetable oil, it kinda makes sense.
  2. Tim, some random orbital sanders can lock the spindle and just use one of the orbital functions, rather than both, thus dependent on setting can produce small swirls or longer sweeps, could it be your bosch is locked into one mode and the rest in the other.
  3. MM i take it you mean new facts revealed rather than guesses or suppositions?
  4. I used danish oil on my work bench, umpteen layers, so that its now a nice solid bench top and doesnt scuff or mark particularly, if you want a tough finish, danish oil seems yo be the stuff to use
  5. grendel


    something useful to play on the telly at least
  6. or follow Griffs example, get to neatishead, find it full (and the turning area full with two boats turning, and just reverse all the way to gayes staithe.
  7. more than that Fred, way more than that
  8. well todays firkling in the workshop was productive, i wanted some holders for my indicators, that could be fixed into the toolholder of my lathe, also one of my indicator stands has a tiny dovetail feature for holding the more expensive type of indicator. preparing a threaded hole in the brass square bar was easy enough, drilled at 5mm and tapped m6. next for the dovetails, i have a dovetail cutter, the only problem it only has a 1/2" hole through, so a spare bit of brass hex stock was dug out. this was turned down to 1/2" for the cutter, then a section at 12mm was turned down and threaded using a die, a 12mm nut was put on the lathe and turned down as a half thickness nut. this holds the cutter in place, the rest was turned down to 9.5mm dia to be held in a collet chuck. this completed it was mounted into the mill, Then the tiny dovetails were cut down each side of the square bars so they could mount in the indicator support. Sometimes you just need to make a new tool to be able to make the part you want to make, problem solving, it keeps the brain active and the fingers busy.
  9. yes i saw but there could be all sorts of other explanations, so why bother speculating, whatever the cause, speculation cannot be good for any family or relatives that might read this forum.
  10. until the cause is released anything we may guess is mere speculation.
  11. you ave to make and acknowledge mistakes to learn from them.
  12. aside from all the smutty jokes and inuendo going on, in the world of engineering / machinist working metal aside from the many male channels i have recently found one from Canada - Blondiehacks - who really gets into machining and explains all her techniques - and also includes the mistakes, showing that not everyone does it correctly the first time.
  13. yes, had that one too, interesting as i did have a parcel delivered by dpd yesterday
  14. if you watch the tally ho youtube channel and Acorn to Arabella you will see females engaged in the arts of boatbuilding, they are rare, but they are out there, when you consider how few boatbuilders there are left, it should not be surprising you see relatively few.
  15. well heres a good one, apparently my name was mentioned in mr allens will - so how come he doesnt address me by name then - answer that Peter Wade / Lawrence (unsurprising he doesnt know my name, if he cant even remember his own surname.
  16. grendel


    lets hope the next mutation isnt to reindeer
  17. if its that difficult i resort to silly answers in the hope of getting a point for making the QM laugh
  18. makes me appreciate Axminster tools, placed an order yesterday afternoon, did not pay extra for next day delivery opting for standard delivery, notified parts will arrive today after 11am. no fuss, no queues, no lack of social distancing.
  19. I always think that if you can google the answer and then answer the question before someone who knew the answer could type it then you must be really fast, sometimes i type the answer as soon as the question appears, and am still beaten by a couple of seconds. sometimes making the questions easier is the answer, then the googlers dont have time. first lines of songs is a good one as i generally have to sing the song in my head to figure the title.
  20. it may of course be that the dutch words also originated from the norse influence, as the norsemen did a great deal of boatbuilding and exploring a lot earlier than most.
  21. keel is attributed to both old english and norse - once again attributed to wikipedia in fact a lot of norse words managed to find their way into the english language, including many days in our week.
  22. Vaughan, it was always my thought that starboard came as you say from the side the steering board or oar was mounted but that it was of scandanavian (viking) origin, maybe thats where it migrated from into the dutch - actually we may both be wrong as wikipedia attributes it to old english - and from another site - so Starboard dates at least back to anglo saxon times.
  23. not exactly the Broads, but i too have some old photos of me in a boat. We did manage to capture a blue peter presenter and film crew.
  24. although sometimes the numbers on the oven dial are meaningless i regularly bake bread onboard, its just a matter of keeping an eye on it and adjusting cooking times accordingly
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