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Everything posted by grendel

  1. bearing in mind the W.L & Co Ltd, I would think the latter is a better option, as otherwise I would have thought W.L & sons would have been on the stamp.
  2. yes, travel is mentioned in the guidance, but not in the legislation. it seems people are reading 'you can travel to do so if necessary' as allowing unlimited travel, but the following paragraph asks you to walk or cycle where possible, which doesnt seem likely if they were expecting you to travel more than a few miles.
  3. typically british reaction to stop the person getting a big head, we support the underdog, but once they start achieving...
  4. the exact wording from https://www.gov.uk/guidance/new-national-restrictions-from-5-november?utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_name=&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term= the legislation https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2020/1200/pdfs/uksi_20201200_en.pdf sections 4c and 4d elite athletes is section 5 nowhere in the legislation is unlimited travel mentioned, the word unlimited doesnt appear anywhere either, or the word travel.
  5. what they offered to buy your handcuffs for you? most generous
  6. to me it seemed that lockdown 2 was an escalation of the tier system, so more restrictive. Since travel between tiers was actively frowned upon under the tier system, especially if you were in a higher tier travelling to a lower tier destination, how could it possibly be seen that lockdown 2 allowed unrestricted travel between tiers for recreational purposes. all of the guidance I have seen that pointed to the new regulations sent me to a government page that said travel for recreational spaces was a local thing 'travel to a local outdoor space' i think was the wording. the exemptions for that were professional athletes travelling to coaching (one to one). so unless you are a professional athlete at motor cruising I dont see how you expect to travel to use your boat unless you live locally. the law doesnt give distance limits because it was allowing for the professional athletes travel. the law is the law, but the guidance is important too, when we drive we follow the highway code (or should anyway) to tell us how to behave when arriving at roundabouts etc - the law doesnt say you must drive clockwise around a roundabout, thats dictated by the highway code, yet if you fail to follow that and drive the wrong way around the roundabout, you will be prosecuted for dangerous driving - because you didnt follow the guidance. So here we have the barrack room lawyers insisting that the law says you can drive as far as you like., when the guidance is as clear that you should travel to a local open space. and avoid travelling at all whenever possible. OK so we only have a few days to go, and then may be back under the tier system, and you are complaining that under that you might not be able to travel to your boat, well in reality you shouldnt be travelling anything but locally to it anyway.
  7. my parents had 1950's utility plywood furniture in their house, all the kitchen units and wardrobes in the bedrooms, they still have the kitchen units, they were quickly raised on 4" pedestals to bring them to a useable height and covered with formica. I still have a drawer unit as part of my under stairs storage, i have removed the top that my dad added to convert it to a dressing table. the only problem is the drawer runners are pretty near worn out.
  8. ours (when i was little) was in the bathroom right above the bath and was in use up until the day the gas board man condemned it. i remember having to check the pilot light was lit before turning the tap on.
  9. probably only £50 an hour with a £300 fee just to visit. I once had an issue, every time someone used the bath the lights tripped out, quick look under the bath, yep its damp under there, ok wheres it coming from- the going to was easy, there was a hole through the floor directly above the light fitting below, eventually traced it to the overflow, it was loose in the bath so when the water level got high enough (ie when someone got in the bath, the water was shooting around outside the fitting, 30 seconds tightening the overflow cured it.
  10. I did find a wartime pickaxe for the home defence forces with the crown and GR stamp, so maybe not war dept or MOD, but maybe produced for the war effort.
  11. true, it could have been a War department stamp. still a very interesting piece nontheless.
  12. I think we are looking for a 1940's business W.L & Co Ltd that made stuff by appointment to King George, perhaps a furniture maker or woodworking company
  13. this is why my phone just does calls and texts, i have a tablet and a mifi router for anything else, mainly it stops me trying to squint at the phone screen.
  14. well careful positioning of the led might be the answer to that, as it would give a little leeway in the angles
  15. I know how you feel Vaughan, sometimes its the simplest of details gets you stuck for a solution the longest
  16. it does mean you can head up there late as once they all leave there is space overnight
  17. well heres a much cheaper 3c version - https://www.altecautomotive.co.uk/heavy-duty-3-core--3-x-6mm2-cores-coiled-trailer-lighting-cable--altec304-7141-p.asp these are heavy duty coiled cables - https://www.simbal.net/product-category/spiral-cables/ they do a 4 core version, might be worth talking to them as they can supply up to 25m lengths the orange stuff can handle up to 50A
  18. no, the charging socket is extra, thats just the link cable, thats why I was trying to find a source for the 6mm2 coiled cable
  19. stretched was my understanding i was just looking to see if i could find a supplier of just the cable
  20. I see you can get various lengths up to 10m
  21. mm they do from 1m length to 5m length, thats the 5m one
  22. if you want thicker cores try vehicle charging cables - come in pretty colours too 6mm2 cores https://www.cablescoilsconnectors.com/collections/1-5m-coiled-ev-charging-cables/products/5-metre-uk-made-ev-charging-cable-coil-16-32-amp-type-2-pink
  23. what something like this = https://www.cablescoilsconnectors.com/products/2-x-7-pin-ebs-plugs-red-disc-4m?variant=34962867617950&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google Shopping&gclid=CjwKCAiAzNj9BRBDEiwAPsL0d0oUs8AUgjJeSnTl4ATM3u_G56ikz-9BFaIYbQTuh_BeGyEbNpGjSBoCfxAQAvD_BwE that is 2 thick 2.5mm2 plus 5 smaller 1.5mm2 or thicker?
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