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Everything posted by grendel

  1. and now i set my sights on the stern navigation light and the port and starboard ones, i have previously obtained some red and green LEDs, so first to make the housings, since i find stainless steel difficult to machine they are being made from 1/4" aluminium rod. this is a multi stage project, first shaping the ends on the watchmakers lathe, this is just a case of doming them over, then onto the bigger lathe to make shoulders and drill through for the lights, then its onto the mill to cut the slots for the 'glass' the rear light has 180 degree visibility, and the side lights around 90 degrees. i now need to find some 2.5mm acrylic to make the lenses, in preferably green, red and clear, after which the leds will be added. i can fit the acrylic a bit large and turn it down to fit. i cant emphasise just how small these are, so i put a ruler in shot. i do know that somewhere i have some coloured filter material, i just need to recall where it has been stored.
  2. Howard, its the next yard on as you head for womack staithe, just before womack island they have pretty much dug it out within the red area
  3. its quite a large basin from what i saw being dug out earlier this year.
  4. with potter heigham, nothing is guaranteed, its very worth while talking to the bridge pilots on the day before leaving the yard, they will know what the tides are doing and the bridge clearances.
  5. not only talking, but paying attention to others, listening is probably more important than talking.
  6. but those national parks will be more on the american national park system where individual parks can have additional provisions under their governance so in essemnce the broads navigation would have to be built into the governance under its national park status. they would not necessarily be run under the current national park rules.
  7. grendel


    just visited their webpage and it told me i could visit facilities near me, after eventually trying at the furthest limit on the search box (50 miles) it concluded it didnt have anything near me, I dont think i will bother to contribute in that case. their nearest facilities to me are in London. (the other side of the thames)
  8. grendel

    My Dog

    my cats get talking pictures tv
  9. i once had the isolator on the bypass for topping up the central heating fail, in the open position as i was topping up the pressure, it seems the internal rubber o ring got itself wedged into the hole through the ball valve, i replaced it with a gate valve.
  10. grendel

    My Dog

    it seems similar with cats, when one takes the final journey to the vets the others seem to spend ages searching for it, when one has died at home, they seem to understand.
  11. apparently they can sail their boats as long as they dont travel anywhere - well thats an ok for the 3RR then
  12. you want a clay pot one - painted green (with a finger print)
  13. there are companies that will receive your mail for you, scan it in and then email it to you.
  14. main isoator worked fine, shiney pipes, well where the paint was they were cleaned up with sandpaper and wire wool until they gleamed before I fitted the compression fitting, no leaks so far i did manage to buy a 3m length of 15mm copper pipe, but then I found a 1m flexible 15mm to 15mm hose, so the last metre up the wall is now flexible, i ended up using less than 300mm of the 3m pipe.plus i have the added bonus of an isolating valve in the cold line to the shower and bath, I always fit an isolating valve if I am working on a water pipe, so most things now can be changed with just shutting off the main isolator and closing a valve. rather than draining the whole tank in the loft.
  15. so far today i have managed to plumb in the shower, I used one of those freeze kits which worked fine giving me time to cut the pipe, and fit an isolating valve, after which there was no rush to fit in the tee to the shower in the run to the bath taps (it being the only piece of pipe long enough to cut and fit a tee and an isolating valve), after this it was a matter of shutting down the electrics and wiring into the spare way on the consumer unit. then power back up i needed to commission the shower following a set procedure. Although the shower is technically a 10kW one, i have commissioned it as 5kW by disconnecting one of the heater elements inside, this is because as i have explained elsewhere the electricity supply to the house would be on its limits at 10kW, and might possibly trip if the additional load of the cooker were used at the same time as the 64A cutout only allows for about 14kW. anyway it runs, gets warm enough with enough pressure, not super hot, not extreme pressure, but good enough. its been fitted in such a way as i can upgrade to a 7.5kW shower if i wish, its just i have had this unit sitting there for over 5 years waiting until i was in a position to actually fit it, it was new in box but not new when i got it. at least now there is no-one to complain that its not hot enough, or whatever. just got to fit the conduit runs around the wiring now.
  16. if you do it with all the tanks empty you will have the worst case scenario.
  17. unless you live like me mid terrace with the houses at right angles to the road, i have no way to get the electric to the car short of a 40 foot extension along and across the footpath.
  18. He means that Both Robin and I were berthed on that side of the boat.
  19. we have the great engineers (and I know, I work with some and have worked with many others) but we dont have the numbers of trainees that should be comingup through the ranks, by the time 2030 comes around, a lot of the current crop of engineers will have retired. engineering not seen as a cool or easy degree to come by, I work with quite a few of the up and coming generation of engineers too, and there just arent enough of them.
  20. The easy answer is that normal consumption still is doubling, so there is a build program to cope with that, however, we are talking about electric vehicle charging being on top of that, add to that that all the new capacity is in new build (generally speaking, so on the edges of existing supply and its not a problem, but the additional chargers are going to be required where people are living already, on networks designed for maximum usage and minimal expansion, (transformers work best at full load rather than partial load). so we are going to need additional power in the worst place to try and put it - alongside existing infrastructure. my company already struggles in central london to supply loads to new developments, sometimes having to bring electricity into london from grid sites outside the city centre, 5 or 6 km cable runs are becoming the norm - just to supply a new office block or estate, once the spare capacity in those outlying grid sites is used, we will have to go further out to get the electricity into these central city areas. some developments we can combine the new build cables for several developments into a single feeder circuit, but then we need to build a primary substation- lead times on transformers for these can be 5-8 years alone. and the costs and disruption these long cable runs cause is enormouse, imagine over several months we need to shut down significant portions of londons road networks for roadworks. believe me when I say 50 years is a conservative guess at how long it would take to get Londons network (or any large city) up to scratch for vehicle charging on a large scale. a single substation (1 MVA) will charge just over 60 cars, or supply over 500 properties. the green option would be do away with the cars and make great improvements in public transport systems. anyway we are digressing from the original topic which was £40 million for green spaces, some of this should probably be spent in finding green ways to access these spaces, rather than allowing the users to drive to them, or indeed providing vehicle charge points at the parking areas for these sites.
  21. where will it leave all those drivers that buy into the electric dream, building new power stations is a 10-15 year program, and we havent even started building those that will be needed to supply the electricity to charge all these electric vehicles. where I live I am struggling to be able to fit a power shower because the electrical infrastructure is on its limits, designed in the 1960's when most houses just had electric lights one maybe 2 appliances and maybe a cooker, 2 sockets to a room. new power generation will be required, at least double what we have now, new cables down every road, its a 50 year program to achieve the power to charge all these vehicles, yet they expect it to be done for 2030 when nobody has even started addressing the problems of charging, new estates are being built with the minimum number of chargers they can get away with under the regulations, how will 3 or 4 charging points meet the needs of 50 households all with electric cars.
  22. i have never had any issues with boat matresses, always been more comfortable than the one at home, maybe thats the boat rocking me to sleep though
  23. today was shopping day, unfortunately due to a shortage at B&Q due to resizing the depot, they had no stock of an essential part, so as well as shopping for food i had to visit a second B&Q 10 miles away to complete my essential purchases, my next job today a bit of electrical and plumbing work. i have been waiting to do this work so that i could purchase the required parts on the same shopping trip as my weekly food shop, thus combining all my shopping into a single trip. so work has been progressing on fitting the shower, just about teatime my daughter called in (as a single person living alone her and her boyfriend are my support bubble, plus she needed a few things to take to her new flat (strangely enough 3 bottles of gin were among the things taken), the shower is up on the wall, I have done the wiring run, just waiting until daylight to turn off the power and wire it into the consumer unit and do the plumbing, a few metres of trunking to hide the wires and then it will be done.
  24. Here are some from earlier this week.
  25. for months now i have been posting a word of the day to the whattsapp group we have for the office at work, I purchased some magnetic letters from lidls, and write the word using those on the door of the refrigerator, which I then photograph to post on whats app.
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