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Everything posted by grendel

  1. and another incident from day 4 when a day boat nearly gave his wife a ducking at ludham bridge
  2. I would imagine as its a current investigation, updates will have to wait upon the outcome of the investigation
  3. here is a selected video from day 8, the blockage at how hill
  4. except hire boats that are expressly not permitted to cruise after sunset.
  5. and thus the confusion reigns, do we give way to that sailing vessel as i can hear an outboard somewhere, or not, best bet is for everyone to be clear with their intentions, and do their best to avoid confrontation, rather than just yelling for everyone to get out of their way. this is a bit reminiscent of the wooden boat show last year when a sailing boat insisted he had right of way and cut close in front of a pair of vessels, one under tow, well the towing vessel slowed, but the towed nearly flattened said sailing boat. and that was a senior member of a yacht club who should have known better..
  6. except as has been pointed out, it does need to be in a recognised marina, plus i believe a short visit toll is required if yo want to use the boat while it is waiting to be sold.
  7. in order to keep up with the forum when aboard i have a little 10" netbook, this i run from a 12v supply using an adaptor that steps the voltage up to the 19V needed, i run a mifi unit via the usb supply
  8. constrained by her draft, in this case the air draft due to the trees
  9. while wild moored on the ant (and in other locations) it surprised me at just how many sailing boats, both with sails up and not went past accompanied by the chug chug of an engine
  10. the hire companies still have to pay a full years toll for any boats they are using, no let up there, all I think that happened was the payment dates were shuffled around a bit to accommodate the late start to the season. same for private boats, if they are used during the year they will need to pay a full years toll. no reductions for anyone.
  11. It has been pointed out that these boats are advertised up for sale, now i do know there is a separate bylaw regarding boats for sale and tolls, which may or may not be applicable in this situation
  12. I do have an apology to make, it seems as though the autofocus on some of the videos has decided to focus on the mudweight, rather than the scenery, I have noticed it on some of the videos I have skipped through to add details of where they were taken, that and the rear camera (which I only used this one day, seems to have suffered from vibration, but they are what they are and I am still learning, what they are for day 2 is an almost continuous coverage of my day above potter heigham bridge (so new territory for those who have not managed to get up there before), on subsequent days I was more selective about when I ran the cameras.
  13. it didnt look like him on the wheel when i passed her last week.
  14. Ok so Day 2, i have uploaded the first of the videos there are about 35x 18 minute videos for day 2 so its taking a while to get them into youtube, this day i was running a camera front and back, most of this footage is from above potter heigham bridge. here is the playlist link
  15. Paddys lane, Barton Turf, mudweight on barton broad, gays staithe, neatishead staithe, or down the ant, quite a few wild moorings, irsted or how hill, then there is ludham bridge, a lot depends upon what time you can get away and how far you can get before you have to moor up.
  16. I could not believe that when moored up at womack staithe last week, the boat next to me fired up their heating in the morning, I hardly considered it cold as I was wearing just my shorts at the time with tee shirt off.
  17. Tom has responded, the ID I gave him was positive and he has passed it to the relevant team for action. the collaboration has been here, with Jbx5's initial report matching a boat I spotted the same day acting in a similar manner nearer wroxham, fortunately i did manage to get a clear shot, but just as it had dropped off the plane. even if they just get a gentle word not to do it again it will have achieved something.
  18. generally all of the sail boats I saw indicated to me which side they wanted me to pass, though I had to make it known to one that I needed a hint, after which they let me know.
  19. if they are under power not sail they count as a power boat, if they have sails up but are under power they are a powered craft, i have seen a lot with full sail up under power, heading into the wind, then they have as much manoeuvrability as any other powered craft. if they are not solely using sail they have no special rights or status to demand anyone gives way to them. Unless they were not under power and just had remaining momentum after dropping sail, they had no special rights.
  20. my problem is even with a 25 foot boat the spaces look tight, yet once I have fitted the boat in I find they are plenty big enough, I can fit my car into a space with about a foot to spare at each end, - i have yet to manage that with a boat.
  21. I have sent 3 photos I did get to Tom with a link to this report, I wont post them here due to the name and shame restrictions in the TOS
  22. thats funny i thought he said aaaarh eeeh aarrgh eeeh aaarrgh eeaargh eearrgh
  23. no, just ensuring i have plenty of data storage for all my files, this will pretty much double my existing storage, and setting it up with raid will make that storage more secure. also put a cheeky bid on a 4 drive disk station which may enable me to retire one or more of my workstations, wile a workstation does the same job, the diskstation has lower power requirements.
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