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Everything posted by grendel

  1. well it does seem that more people have been getting under that bridge this year so far
  2. at least it isnt a cabin cruiser.
  3. having helped with Royal Tudor, I can say the covering is nothing like the google search for trakmark comes up now, i believe its not been made for a while, though someone may still have some.
  4. for lunacy think 50th anniversary
  5. at least one bit of wood can be replaced with another less rotten piece.
  6. Right , I have now completed a set of questions for the quiz tomorrow, topics are Childrens literature Different Types Lunacy Science Nursery Rhymes and General Mayhem
  7. grendel


    The problem I see here is that under certain circumstances they could be being swept backwards and heading for the bridges while still doing these speeds, so a modicum of common sense has to prevail, safety over speed limits, conversely if you were being swept down with the tide, you could barely have steerage way and still be exceeding the speed limits on the same stretch, which I believe is the main reason for aiming for slack water at yarmouth, to avoid the worst of the flood, as such it seems to me you are better off arriving late for the tide than too early.
  8. grendel


    I agree, the speed limits were bought in to limit the wash, and in reality its the wash that the rangers keep an eye open for, on a martham boat with no way of gauging your speed other than the wash, i have never yet been pulled up by a ranger for excessive speed, but then those boats do have very little wash, even when flat out. at 3mph (checked by gps) there is barely even a ripple. hull speed is inversely proportional to the length of the boat, so a longer boat has a greater displacenment speed than a short boat, once you reach your hull speed, then your wash will increase as you are physically shoving the water out of your way (and using more fuel).
  9. I have no idea, Norwich is one place i havent managed to get yet.
  10. there is a list of the federation boatyards here - https://www.broads.co.uk/guide-to-the-broads/broads-hire-boat-federation-moorings/
  11. now forgive me if I am wrong, but either there is a New Zealand term that I am unfamiliar with or you must read Terry Pratchett Discworld books when you refer to Clacks.
  12. I think its like anywhere else, you only really hear the bad stories, you dont get to hear the good experiences that probably outnumber the bad ones 10-1 because it doesnt occur to people to mention when they get good friendly service, whereas one incident of bad service gets flagged up, giving a biased view of reality. its only when you ask that people respond with incidents of good service to counter those bad experiences
  13. surely you are just saying here that they are doing their job, checking boats are registered and tolled, warning boats that they are exceeding the speed limits, I am sure they also check for overstaying on the 24 hour moorings, is fishing within their remit, or is that a different department (i dont know the answer to that one), as for avoiding confrontation, well that too is their job, to warn people in a nice manner, without allowing it to become an incident.
  14. I dont know, generally i think the BA staff on the rivers are seen as helpful a friendly, it just seems that those running things at the top are seen in a lesser light by more than a few.
  15. a bag over his head should do the trick
  16. dont worry they will never get a close up of you Jay, the lenses will crack first
  17. it can depend upon the circumstances, if you are moving to a competitor then it will be straight out the door, and there is usually a rider that you cant start with the competitor until your notice period expires.
  18. I am lucky to work in a company that truly believes its biggest asset is its staff, this is why we have paid for social events and get yoga paid for once a week. this is also why this year in our second year of entry we made no 8 in the extra large workplaces in the great places to work listings.
  19. moved on or just plain retired though, any company will lose a percentage of experienced staff due to retirement and moving to less strenuous tasks over the years.
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