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Everything posted by grendel

  1. and those who have got to sea are stuffed for getting back again. let us hope this brings the attention of everyone to all of the bridges and the state of repair , and that maintenance will be forthcoming to fix the problems and maintain the navigation, because it seems to me that at the current time there is no navigation possible for any boat too tall to pass under these bridges. I wonder if Robin will consider fitting a fire hose to the front of Indy to cool off those bridges that over expand and stop him navigating. I also wonder what railtrack could do about it to stop them if someone decided to cool down the rails with a powerful hose from their boat?
  2. thanks for letting us know - glad thats sorted -well deserved thanks to the ios app development team
  3. the app developers have applied a change to the app, so hopefully things should be working soon (it may take a short while to show up) so if you are still experiencing the same problems in an hour or so, then please add to this thread, screen shots are helpful to the app developers to aid diagnosis. Thanks
  4. I have notified the app developer, and linked this thread to them, so hopefully they can have a look at it when they get time.
  5. it looks like it is working fine (for me anyway) on the android app, this probably rules out a problem in one area as they share a source for the forum information.
  6. Thanks for reporting that jean, i will get our IOS developer to have a look at it
  7. they generally start up on oil, then transfer over to coal. the one at littlebrook could fire up in 30 minutes on oil. at greenwich power station they have rolls royce jet turbine engines that can fire up in a matter of minutes for quick response.
  8. to see just how many coal fired power stations have shut down - there is a list here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_power_stations_in_England showing when they were closed / demolished, very few coal even still standing.
  9. my 18 year old volvo from the measured emissions at its last mot isnt a huge polluter (it probably would be if I did short trips in it though), and I am doing my best to spread its manufacture and eventual disposal footprint over as many miles as i can, 240 000 so far.
  10. right at this moment coal is producing 0% of this countries electricity http://www.gridwatch.templar.co.uk/ In fact right now wind energy is out producing everything else producing 29% of our electricity, nuclear and gas turbine are at 22% each and solar is at 14%
  11. many years ago now I saw an article on solar windows, the solar receptors were in the frame around the edges of the glass, and used the principle that some of the light exits the edges of the sheet of glass, efficiency was quite low compared to other types of panel, but if every window was fitted with this system most high rise buildings would be self sufficient for energy, at least during daylight hours - when most offices are occupied.
  12. grendel


    they will leave the crossing shut, so the trains are not disrupted at all
  13. in the industry nuclear is considered low carbon emission, but in reality it is not if you count the emissions in building / commissioning and decommissioning. of course the environmental aspect of the waste disposal is also ignored as that is just radioactive waste, not carbon. nuclear - even including the initial / final carbon is relatively low carbon compared to the fossil fuel powered generation. Hydro electricity is fairly low carbon even including the building / demolition, and an option regularly forgotten in this country as we dont have may hydo electricity generators (scotland has a few)
  14. I had an uncle who was a yorkshire miner, married my aunt and moved to the southern coalfields (kent)- I never understood a word he said.
  15. just seen on facebook that the bridge wont be opening at all this coming weekend, while they source some new 90 year old parts.
  16. I wondered how yorkshiremen trained ferrets to get into small holes.
  17. the bridge was mentioned in Arthur Ransomes Coot Club, when the twins were passing along the new cut on the thames Barge - Welcome of Rochester
  18. is this where we complain about boats bumping?
  19. grendel


    perhaps we should change the statements from 'drunk' to 'annoyingly intoxicated'
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