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Everything posted by grendel

  1. for me it was a trip, organised by the wife (now ex wife) aboard Pearl Horizon in 2010, we had our trial run, set off and moored up at South Walsham, when we woke in the morning I got out of bed and stepped onto we carpet, a call to the boatyard and we headed back to the yard, where it became apparent the connection had come off the water tank which had filled the bilges, two men came aboard, one to fix the leak, the other took all the carpets and wet vacced them off, then hung them to dry behind the boat, meanwhile the other man set to and repalaced the water pump and fixed the leak, then proceeded to refill the water tank. at the end of our week aboard, it turned out I loved it and she hated it. I had always been interested in the broads after reading Arthur Ransome, so a couple of years later when I was invited for a trip aboard Broad Ambition, I leapt at the chance. later i took to hiring a boat from Marthams, culminating in taking the new Janet 2 to the wooden boat show. It was after this that I was offered a share in Water Rail, which I gladly took up, and despite all of the adventure she has presented, love that boat- by this time the wife had become the ex wife, and I was free to take my holidays wherever wished, so far they have all been on the broads, and I havent ever grown tired of that.
  2. I have edited the title in line with Meantimes suggestion
  3. I cant find planning applications for any other discovery hubs though.
  4. looks like this, with info boards and bench seats, just across the basin from the harbour masters office.
  5. could it be this one - https://planning.broads-authority.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=RKAKJ7TBJEQ00 which calls for a pergola and information boards, referred to as a discovery hub (I suppose a bit like the telephone box at thurne
  6. surely that should be in the planning section of the Broads Authority remit, i wonder if they have applied for any permissions - or will it turn out to be a gazebo or other temporary structure.
  7. probably working in a local vineyard.
  8. on mine I did try hoovering it out, but the spark igniter just crumbled to dust, hence why I retired it.
  9. well that about eliminates the stuck on brakes idea, is the clutch on those hydraulic, or cable operated. its not the brick under the wheel stopping it moving is it?
  10. I went to a Grammar school, CSE's werent an option, in my school our senior Chemistry teacher actually wrote the whole chemistry curriculum and had his name on the books we used as text books (when I say CSE's werent an option, i will add my french was so bad I actually sat a CSE paper for the exam, and only just scraped a pass - not taking an exam also wasnt an option). I recall as we were top set maths we did the O level a year early and then did applied maths the following year.
  11. we did a very similar test at my school except we sat a single exam and got both an O level and a CSE grade, that was maths too (would have been around 1975-76)
  12. I am certainly finding even sections of the busiest footpaths and cycle paths are becoming overgrown and narrowed down to single file from a path over 6 foot wide. how long before we all need battery strimmers along with us to take a walk / cycle
  13. quite likely to be hand brakes rusted on, but did the wheels turn when you pushed it out of the garage? if they did its not the handbrake, although the gear lever may be in the neutral position, the gears may not have fully disengaged properly. also worth trying sitting in the car and depressing the clutch, if the car then moves, its something locked up in the drive train before the clutch
  14. I have noticed the same here in kent, cycle paths that are supposedly wide enough for two cycles to pass are gradually being encroached to the point where the nettles have got to the point that one cycle can barely use the path, and passing oncoming cycles is a nightmare liable to end up with nettle stings (and some of these are designated national cycle ways)
  15. I think it must be more difficult to be a continuous cruiser on the broads rather than the canal system, on the canals the requirement is that you need to move every two weeks, which must be easier for that lifestyle, than moving every 24 hours
  16. I was once proceeding up the ant at what I thought was a steady 4 mph, and it seemed very slow, also there was a big flotilla of boats queued up behind me- it was at that point I realised that my speed app had somehow defaulted to km/hr not mph.
  17. well since the quiz tonight was postponed and it was cooling outside i took the opportunity for a bike ride, my normal short route (8.7 miles) left just before 9pm, and by the time I turned around to head home was using the lights for the first time, I have to say they do a good job, just arrived home, so it was a quick run at just about 1 hour, the only issue with the riverside route, ploughing through what felt like a sandstorm of flying bugs.
  18. some online are even more expensive - https://www.1stdibs.com/furniture/more-furniture-collectibles/collectibles-curiosities/scientific-instruments/w-ottway-single-draw-wwii-military-sighting-telescope/id-f_28638552/ over £1600
  19. one certainly slowed me down a bit on one corner, and I was two boat widths from the bank.
  20. or make the river narrower and plant a little garden on the side where they have narrowed it?
  21. waited until it started cooling down before heading on my ride tonight, I wasnt going out in 30 degrees so tonight i did the flat riverside route (8.7 miles) this brings me to a total of 326.4 miles in just 2 months (9 weeks tomorrow)
  22. one of my work colleagues was called and got on a fraud case, he was away from work for about 6 months in total as the trial progressed, the only reason they wont allow someone who is advanced in pregnancy is because if the trial drags on and then the juror goes into labour, they have to start all over again with a fresh Jury.
  23. it should have a makers name or model number on it, which would give us some idea of the age, 38" long is a pretty serious length, from the looks, I would say a 3" or bigger objective (lens at the front) possibly only the outer lens element is broken (they are generally a composite of 2 or more lenses.
  24. I still think its down to living on the doorstep of the court house, no travel to pay and all that.
  25. I did something similar once except I buried a big door hinge in the body filler (because they used to check with a magnet)
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