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Everything posted by grendel

  1. apparently Tapatalk are looking into the problem.
  2. remember just username - no password
  3. well most of the ones that try and get stuck half way have to reverse out.
  4. I have a small crossbow that fires bamboo skewers.
  5. when it comes to reducing pollution, just how many cars are sitting in the queues, emitting exhaust smoke at the most uneconomical speed (tickover) in those queues, to gain a pollution reduction for those using the train. A study was done in Canterbury, they shut the westgate Arch to traffic through the arch (the other direction goes around the side) and diverted it across the level crossing and around the alternate route, as an aid to reducing traffic emmission pollution in the area - the traffic would flow much better (they said) at the start of the 'trial' they changed the footpaths so that you could not drive through the arch. After 3 months the 6 month trial was brought to an end, due to the doubling of the traffic exhaust pollution levels in the roads the leading to the level crossing on each side. they had to undo the footway works and new kerbs they had installed (in anticipation of the positive results of the trial) and re-open the archway to traffic (it is now shut to busses and coaches - but then the double decker busses were special models designed to get through the arch*(about 1" to spare) and coaches were always getting stuck half way through. * the special busses were tapered at the top and the wing mirrors were narrower, if your mirrors cleared either side by 1/2" you were central in the arch and could get through. coach mirrors always hit the sides. you can see the taper from where the windows start on the top deck in the picture below.
  6. I think Timbo should be connected to the output of the coffee machine via a drip, sat in a chair and only then he can look after the clipboard
  7. I use machine wax on all my metal surfaced tools - stops them binding and for the iron ones stops them rusting too.
  8. the bridges I am sure were well designed with summer rails in mind, this was the solution to the expansion of the track during the warmer summer months. since then a decision was made to upgrade the track to the long welded type, both either side of the bridge (and presumably across the bridge as well) at this point surely a due diligence study should have shown that this would become a problem, as the continuous weld has more expansion at the open ends, as well as the bridge span expanding further. and that a change over to continuous weld rail would be contrary to the design parameters of the bridges, so presumably at this point National rail would have known that bridge opening was going to be an issue and should not have proceeded to replace the 60 ft rail. I have been looking and I can find no modern designs for swing rail bridges - is this because with continuous rail they are no longer possible. Indeed are all of the issues due to the mating of the rails at the bridge ends, or are other wear related issues coming to light as the bridges age (like the interlocking issue that Robin encountered with the road bridge).
  9. well I was going to say the sun is out the grass is ris, I wonder where the birdies is - but you've answered that
  10. yes its the tapatalk end we are trying to sort out - we have raised it with them.
  11. or there may be a spring assist for closing
  12. my thoughts exactly, maybe beer deliveries down to the Berney Arms from Reedham (though imagine the oncost to the beer for fuel for those deliveries in Independence)
  13. anyone got a commercial coaster to take up river, surely if they cannot operate for a commercial vessel they must pay compensation for trade losses incurred by any delay.
  14. we are currently working on the tapatalk problem
  15. yes, kens is the one I meant- I hadnt realised there were more chip shops just there.
  16. Hopefully as you use them they will come back
  17. the chip shop just off the bridge at Wroxham.
  18. I noticed that it popped an searching index popup when I clicked the latest updates, we will give it a day or so to settle in and see whats amiss then, if you could keep reporting any issues here. Thanks
  19. We have done a forum Update this morning to keep us on the latest version, please let us know if there is any strange behaviour (no not from the members). Thanks
  20. no, I can see them, but not open them, they may have been corrupted in a forum move, sorry.
  21. I have found some pictures on the file server that say may 2011 that have your name against them, but cannot tell if they are the same images.
  22. not sure, the links dont appear to be pointing to our current file server location, so they have probably been lost in one of the many forum moves and upgrades through the years since 2011.
  23. VAT was introduced in 1973 at 10% in 1974 it was reduced to 8% - but a higher rate of 12.5% was added for petrol and luxury goods the higher rate was doubled to 25% between nov 1974 and april 1976 - reverting to 12.5% in 1979, it was increased to 15% with the higher rate abolished in 1991 it was raised to 17.5% in 1994 the zero rate on domestic fuel and power was changed from 0% to 8% in 1997 the domestic fuel and power rate was reduced to 5% in 2008 it briefly dropped to 15% returning to 17.5% in 2010 in 2011 it was raised to 20% I'm showing my age as i can remember when it was first introduced (and added to the price of sweets!!!!!)
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