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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I got a tripod at a boot fair, it had a quick change plate that was missing - I just printed one and fit the mounting bolt through it.
  2. depends upon just how high the heels were.
  3. we have nearly as many races and religions in our office at work as there are people, and we all get along great and all have a good time at work, all highly skilled and highly literate people, we accept and embrace the differences - special cakes on certain religious festivals, and at the end of the day we all participate in each others religious celebrations without prejudice of favour. it brings a good feeling to the office.
  4. hang on a minute here, I am trying my hardest to see why a post about Cadburys Possibly or possibly not removing the word Christmas from packaging comes across as racist, it certainly had no racist connections in my mind when I saw it. Sometimes you have to be actively looking for something to complain about to spot it. Now I would never condone racism, but cannot for the life of me see what the post has to be called racist (or even potentially racist). I am unable to discern whether similar posts may have racist overtones elsewhere, but then I am not looking for racist overtones in a post about chocolate bars and the branding on said items. I would understand maybe if you had spent a lot of time investigating racist remarks elsewhere, that you might react badly to a similar post here, but I dont see any other reason the post would be branded racist. This is the friendly forum, so as such I would like to see responses to post based upon the actual content here - rather than the perceived content elsewhere.
  5. having taken 4 hours this morning to get to work - drivers who cut across the hatched area at a slip road, then try and drive through 3 non moving lanes - at right angle to those lanes to get to the one moving lane - and yes lorries were doing it too. drivers that ignore the signs to move over to the inner two lanes - then drive past the lane shut red crosses at 70mph and expect to be let in at the cones shutting the lane (yes and that was lorries too). on a side note, if you need to go across the dartford crossing today, I last heard the bridge was going to remain shut until at least now after a lorry hit a car on the bridge
  6. right then, tonight I added another of the vertical transom planks in place, I also got the table saw out, I then set it to a 2.4mm cut and converted a piece of the real Broad Ambition teak into thin wide planks, some of these will become the decorative transom for model #2. bending tests have been done, and they will happily take the bend for the transom. The teak cut to a lovely smooth finish, but the outside will of course be sanded flat and brought to a good finish before being finished properly - it should look 'right good lad'
  7. which is why a lot of forums (this one included ask people not to discuss politics or religion, as feelings rise and people get upset.
  8. a couple of years ago I went to sit an exam for site safety, the whole thing was done on computers, out of about 40 people sitting the exam, I would have to say that over 75% had to be shown how to use the computers, some of them were in their 30's, Chatting to one guy he was saying it was one of the main reasons he was a labourer because he just could not get the hang of computers, the biggest stumbling block was using a mouse. Now these people were not stupid, but while they had never used a computer, they could build a perfect brick wall. the electronic age is not for everyone, so the more we push towards paperless and online, the more some people are going to be alienated and outcast. My dad is in his mid eighties, he introduced computers to his office, back in the days where you had to stick an authentication dongle into the computer to be able to use it (he calls them God sticks) these only gave you access to the areas you were allowed to access. yet he still struggles with his computer - its not connected to the internet as he thinks he would get nothing done if he was on the internet all day (he is probably correct there too).
  9. no putting your hand on the dogs knee JM
  10. I think I would have had a different reaction if I drilled an 0.8mm hole through the bottom of that though.
  11. the preponderance of everything needing to be done online is hitting the older generation, for example I travel through the dartford tunnel daily, payment is online or with a mobile phone, that is what all of the signs say - I know there are certain post offices you can go into locally to pay, but that is because I have read it online. how many OAP's arrive there, then worry how they are going to pay, they dont go online (my dad has a computer, but its not connected to the internet) or dont have a smart phone they can pay through (my dads mobile phone is an old nokia- it does phone calls and texts- thats it). they are expected to view their bills online, apply for things online, and they just dont have the knowledge , facilities or wish to do it that way. my dad will go into the bank to set up a direct debit, or standing order, when he does find someone to talk to they tell him to do it online, he then has to go through a rigmarole of providing ID and everything, (my mother cant even do that- she has no passport, driving license or name on the utility bills). Sorry about the rant, - perhaps this should have been put in the letting off steam thread.
  12. the scoop part has been fitted (so I can fit the rubber tube before I fit all of the transom) the planking of the transom has begun, this is the inner layer, the outer layer will be a more decorative timber (probably some of the teak that comprises Broad Ambitions hull)
  13. only when its icy, there can be quite a nip in the air.
  14. It must be the challenge of the follicles, I too cannot sing worth tuppence
  15. It ok we will wrap it up well and send it by carrier duck.
  16. JA, just take your boots off and count toes - oops forgot, Norfolk - webbed feet - OK scratch that
  17. Cant be me, they all have way too much hair (on the top of their heads)
  18. So Folks, the maintenance should have finished now, and all the pictures should be back where they belong. let me know if you find any problems and we will see what we can do to correct them.
  19. we did fancy dress at work today, I 3d printed some bolts and stuck them to plasters, these then held them on to my neck.
  20. Report it to the gas company that you fell down one of their holes after somebody moved one of their barriers, that is a reportable to the HSE accident, they will then have to put measures in place to prevent it happening again. (can anyone tell I had to sit through a whole day of health and safety yesterday)
  21. I can say - yes that is the cause, we are moving files around in preparation for other work, so the images may be disrupted for a few days (similar to last time) Please bear with us.
  22. I think that should maybe be rephrased to was that a barn?
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